This is an adaptation of an exercise from the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul. The original used the energy and light of the Sun to illuminate the cells of the physical body.  However, everyone is different and not everyone actually needs the same energy at the same time. So why not let your body choose the type of energy it would like at the time you do the exercise? It always seems the best way to me… so, what do you do?

  • Sit quietly and tune in to your body, or the particular part of your body that needs help. Ask what energy it needs to revitalise one of the cells and start the illumination process.
  • When you have your answer, connect to the energy and intend that it starts to flow through the healing channels into your hands, or you can simply set the intention that the energy flows to the cell you choose to work with. You can simply breathe it in to the area you have chosen to work with.
  • Now just pick a cell, go inside and fill it with light of the energy you have chosen to work with. You can visualise the cell filling with the energy, or let the energy flow to your hands and place them on your body in the correct area.
  • Now pick another cell and light it up as well. It can be near your original cell or it can be somewhere else entirely. Just go with what your body tells you it needs.
  • Now just keep going around your body visualizing individual cells filling with this energy and becoming very, very bright, fully illuminated and giving off life force energy, so it can flow into other cells. It will be like a huge chain reaction once you start and eventually your body will be full of light at a cellular level.
  • Stay in this space until you feel you have enough light inside your body and then ask your body if it wants to keep the light or if it needs you to earth the excess energy so it can re-balance itself. You will know what to do.
  • Ground and return.


This is another useful technique for bringing light into your body and your subtle bodies. You can either set your intention to connect with your soul and ask your soul to bathe you in soul light… always fabulous… and then you just sit quietly while the light flows in, through and around the whole of your Four Body System. It will push out any low vibrational energy and replace it automatically, but if there is any specific negative energy you want to target and release just add it to your intention by naming it.

You can also connect to any helper or guide and ask them to bathe you with the light frequencies which are associated with them. Angelics and Ascended Masters will all be happy to do this, as long as you ask.

Or you can intend to sit quietly and set the intention to connect with light frequencies which are being emitted from the higher realms. This allows them to download into your Four Body System. All you have to do is to ask for this to happen with ease and grace and for only the most appropriate frequencies for you to download. You should also ask for your energy system to be re-calibrated and stabilised at the most appropriate frequency for you when you have finished as well.

Any of these exercises will help you increase your light quotient … that is increase the amount of light you hold in your Four Body System.

This is always useful because it means any lower vibrational energies – generated by yourself or frequencies you absorb from other people – will not be able to stay in your system. How fab is that?

Enjoy playing with whatever light you are guided to use… or you can use healing energies like Reiki or Mahatma. These are only basic exercises. It’s your job to adapt them so you can make the most of them.

Bright Blessings.




Labradorite – The Stone of Transformation



♥ Transformation ♥ Promotes Psychic Abilities ♥ Strengthens Will-Power ♥ Stimulates Imagination ♥ Calming ♥

Angel: Raphael

Affirmations to work with labradorite:

I open to enhancing my connection to my intuition on all levels


I AM ready to transform on all levels – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Labradorite works well with other crystals. The best ones to use are: turquoise, sugilite, jade, obsidian, and rose quartz.

Labradorite is best described as a life-changing crystal. It opens up the mind to multiple levels of consciousness which often go way beyond everyday reality and our old, out-dated belief systems. It prepares the body and soul for ascension and increases self-mastery.

Labradorite helps you to become the person you were always destined to be. It cleanses your aura and your chakras, allowing you to remove all the negative thoughts and behaviour patterns that are preventing you from reaching your full potential. It allows you to understand your destiny, the path you chose before you came to the earthplane.

Labradorite helps you to recognise that you are as being of light, transcending limitations of the past and thoughts of the future, and embrace the infinite possibilities of the moment. It allows you to just be and know that the light is always there, surrounding you on all levels. If you meditate with the crystal, it enhances this healthy way of thinking.


Earthstar, Palm, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Throat, Brow, Crown and Soul Star

It stimulates the palm chakras, which means if you are a healer, it will boost the amount of energy flowing through your hands. It also helps develop the hands’ sensitivity, making it useful for anyone who uses the power of touch to heal

If you place a piece of labradorite between your feet, it will stimulate the earthstar chakra and enhance grounding through this sub-transpersonal energy centre if it is open and functioning in your extended chakra system.

If you place it on the sacral chakra and visualise the energy of the stone flowing into the physical body through the vortex it will bring about a very deep, healing experience.

If you place it over the heart chakra to shield yourself from low level, angry, malevolent energies

At the throat chakra it stimulates stronger psychic communication abilities, which you may manifest in a range of different ways.

At the brow chakra intuition and intellect are balanced by the stone, illusions are dispelled and true intentions are seen more easily. It will also bring a new understanding of the dimension of time, envisioning the past, future, and distant places.

At the crown chakra, it will allow direct contact with the Divine Mind, and you will begin to be aware that you are getting direct messages from Spirit.

Labradorite should be placed high up on the body for the best results because it resonates best with the upper chakras. Ear rings in particular are particularly helpful to enhance intuition and contact with helpers and guides and all the higher aspects of yourself.

The Aura

Place a labradorite under your pillow at night. This will allow its energy to be present in your aura for an extended period of time each day and it will just continue working. As an added bonus, if you do this, it will also help you sleep. Also if you stroke golden labradorite through the aura it will mend any tears.

Additional Information for Maintenance of your Energy System

  • keeps the energy field clear, which is helpful for anyone who has a tendency to pick up on other people’s emotional issues.

  • it maintains your baseline energy level, preventing people who overwork from becoming utterly depleted

  • clears negativity from the aura, and it seals it to prevent energy leaks.

  • protects and cushions the aura by helping to deflect unwanted energies.

  • prevents energy leakage, and others from tapping into and draining your personal energy.

Labradorite spheres are ideal for cleansing the negative energy in your living space, in various rooms and common areas.

Also if you work with labradorite on a regular basis it will help you with all of the things listed below:

  • promotes wisdom, understanding and patience

  • relieves stress

  • clears fear and insecurity.

  • calms an overactive mind and energizes the imagination

  • encourage self-awareness

  • brings forgotten memories to light and facilitates their understanding

  • brings joy and spontaneity back to your life

  • allows you to work with your psychic gifts in a safe and healthy manner.

  • boosts your psychic abilities and sharpens intuition. You may find that any gifts that are waiting to develop may begin to manifest when you start working with this stone.

  • grounds spiritual energy

  • allows you to remember who you are at soul level and find yourself in a state of empowerment and remembrance

  • allows you to see the truth behind illusions because it brings truth to the surface

  • allows serendipity, coincidence and synchronicity to flow in your life.

  • helps you make contact with beings from other dimensions who may assist your journey

  • aligns the etheric and physical bodies

  • helps to relieve pain.

Labradorite Meditations

Meditation One

  • Focus on your breath, intending to breathe out negative energy and breathe in the quality to want to replace it with e.g peace, harmony etc.

  • Now fully embody the quality you have chosen by setting the intention to resonate the whole of your Four Body System with this energy. You do this by placing the words I AM in front of the quality you have chosen to work with e.g. I AM peace, I AM harmony etc.

  • Now place the labradorite on the brow chakra and set the intention to breathe the iridescent energy of the stone into the vortex, cleansing it first and then filling it with brightness.

  • Now ask the stone to use this beautiful multi-coloured energy to stimulate your intuition and your connection to it. Ask the stone to enhance your trust on all levels, making it easier for you to act on any thoughts or visions you receive.

An addition to this meditation – place a piece of labradorite under your pillow with the intention of allowing it to help you remain open and receptive to any answers you require, especially if they are connected to your intuitive abilities. Ask for the answers to come to you in your dreams or bubble to the surface of your mind so they are available to you on a conscious level the following day.

Meditation Two

  • Sit quietly and focus on your breath, holding the stone in your non-dominant hand.

  • Visualise the iridescent energy of the stone flowing in through the palm chakra, up your arm to your shoulder and from there, see or sense it spreading out to fill the whole of your physical body and your etheric body. Ask specifically for these two bodies to come into alignment as the energy continues to flow.

  • Now take your awareness to the stone in your hand, connect with it and ask it what you need to see right now for your highest and greatest good and allow answers to come. If they do not come immediately, carry the stone with you for the rest of the day and place it under your pillow at night with the intention that it will help you remain open and receptive to the answers you require. Ask for the answers to come to you in your dreams or bubble to the surface of your mind so they are available to you the following day.

  • After sitting with the stone for as long as you feel you need to, disconnect from the energy, thank your stone for all the help you have received and will receive because this is an on-going process. Then ground and return.

~ You can place your labradorite on your brow chakra while you are working to stimulate the energy centre and all your intuitive abilities. It will help you see the issues blocking your intuition or connect with intuitive messages you are not hearing very clearly, or even ignoring.

 ~ You can ask Raphael to help you while you work. He will be more than happy to do this!

 ~ Always allow synchronicities and coincidence to speak to you throughout the day while you are working with labradorite.

Enjoy working with this powerful and transformational stone.

Bright Blessings


Aligning with Kyanite

If you have been to any of my classes, you will probably be familiar with this meditation. It is so useful that I make people do it quite often. So I thought I would share it, so everyone can benefit from the calming energy of this lovely stone and the way it realigns the entire energy system.

  1. Relax and focus on your breath
  2. Take a moment to sit quietly with your kyanite – ensuring you are holding it with the striations running vertically, not horizontally, and set the intention to breathe in the beautiful blue energy. Feel it flowing into your physical body, relieving stress and calming you on a deeply profound level.
  3. When you are ready, place the stone on your heart chakra and wait for the chakra to open. All charkas open automatically as soon as a piece of kyanite is placed in the vortex.
  4. Now, still holding the kyanite at the heart, ask the stone to align your chakra system, sitting quietly while this happens. It will not take very long.
  5. Now, ask the stone to align your Four Body System (physical+etheric bodies, emotional body, mental body, spiritual body), sitting quietly while this happens. Again, it will not take very long.
  6. Now, ask the kyanite to initiate an energy flow from the heart up to the highest chakra you are currently working with. Be aware of the energy in your heart moving up the chakral line, carried by the blue energy of the kyanite.
  7. Once an upward flow is established, take your awareness back to your heart and ask the kyanite to initiate an energy flow from the heart down to the lowest chakra you are currently working with. Be aware of the energy in your heart moving down the chakral line, carried by the blue energy of the kyanite
  8. Now take your energy back to the heart and sit quietly in this energy flow. Stay there until you are guided to end the meditation.
  9. Thank your kyanite, ground and return.
  10. Brush your aura with the kyanite, with the striations running vertically, not horizontally, starting at the top of the head and touching the ground at the feet with the intention of clearing the auric sheath and earthing any excess energy. It will enhance the calm feeling you have after sitting with the stone. You can also do this without doing the meditation if you only have time for a short exercise. It will always help.

An additional thing you can do while you are at number 8 in the list above is to use your kyanite as a bridging mechanism if you are working with a particular problem.

Kyanite is a bridging stone, and it can be used to connect the past and the present. So while you are in this quiet space, if there is something you need to know about an incident in your past, or a lesson you need to learn, use the energy of the stone to help you to form a link with the situation. Then ask the stone to help you understand the experience on all levels, and how it is impacting your life in the present.

This is a hugely useful tool which can help you to clear past trauma, or at least bring it into conscious awareness, so you can work on it slowly and clear it in your own time.

Journey well with your kyanite!

Bright Blessings
