This portal is an energetic doorway like all the others and intense waves of high frequency energy pour through it onto the earthplane. Like the energy available when any other portal is open, it will hold Light Packets of information for you and you can use these to upgrade the whole of your Four Body System. You just need to download them in the usual way. But, also available during the 12:12 portal is a frequency known as the Christ Consciousness energy.

This combined form of Divine Light – the Light Packets and the Christ Consciousness energy – brings with it an opportunity for you to go through a deep re-birthing process, releasing old, dense energy that has been keeping your vibrational rate low. It allows you to raise your frequency until you reach a much, much high rate. But you cannot do this unless you have let go of all the old redundant ways you have been thinking and behaving.

Some people recommend the clearing process should be started in the heart and, while you can do this, this is only someone else’s idea. You are the authority on your journey, so if you know your negative energy is stuck somewhere else in your energy system, start there. Make an empowered choice and it will give you a much better result than if you rely on someone else’s opinion.

Look at what takes you down into a low vibrational state. Examine the patterns in your life and see if you can find what triggers your negative emotional reactions, taking you swiftly from a positive attitude straight down into a negative one, and see if you can change it. Or at least pause before you respond to stop the negative downward spiral. It will allow you to choose a different way to respond so you can start to clear the old ways out of your system.

At this time, with so much high frequency energy around to help you move forward, you need to remember that everyone chooses who they are and what they want to be. Your inner life, values and attitudes always create your outer life. No one else does it … just you. So, at this time of year it is time to start asking yourself if you like your life and the things in it. And, if you don’t, it’s time to start getting rid of them, especially the things that you have put up with, sometimes for years and years. There is no better time to let go than the 12:12 portal. If nothing else, it gives you a chance to fill up all the spaces left behind after the release process with the very lovely golden Christ Consciousness energy.

You need to let go of your past in a very powerful way and create something completely new… something totally authentic, which represents who you really are and what you truly believe.

At 00:12 and 12:12 on 12th December, there is an energy download. And, as this portal is specifically associated with the angelics and the Christ Consciousness energy, the angels will help you before, during and after the download to make sure you get the most out of the extra energy and it will be an exquisite golden colour because of the Christ Consciousness element.

At the two time slots, an alignment process begins, and the incoming energy will raise your vibrational rate until it matches the rate of the golden Christ Consciousness energy. You will become this beautiful frequency and be able to access what is known as Unity Consciousness. You will literally become one with everyone else who is vibrating at the same rate as you at the same time. It is a very powerful experience. The recommended time is 12 minutes, but it doesn’t really matter. As always, you will know what is best for you… and you can access the energy at one of the slots or both of them. It is up to you.

And, as a bonus, because this energy resonates with the quality of unity – you will also come into alignment with and unify all the different parts of you. And, while you are downloading you will be acting like a lightening rod, allowing the energy to flow through you and you will anchor it on the earthplane as a blessing to all who are in need of it. You make this beautiful frequency available to everyone. How fab is that!

All you have to do is visualise it flowing into your crown chakra, filling your central channel and then spreading out from there to fill the whole of your Four Body System. It really is that simple. Your intention will get you there and if you need any help, ask the angelics who are holding the portal open for us.

If you want to do some work before hand to prepare your system for this massive influx of energy, citrine is the crystal for you. Use it at the crown and it starts the alignment process to the Christ Consciousness energy. It also clears negativity from the crown so the energy can just slide down into the central channel without hitting any obstructions. You may also want to use it on your heart to clear any negativity from there because as this is highest frequency of unconditional love available on the earthplane at this time, it will target this area of your energy system as well.

I hope this lovely energy blesses you in every way!

Bright Blessings!



There is going to be a massive shift on 11:11, so to make sure it doesn’t disrupt your energy system too much, it is often wise to start using a crystal to raise your vibrational rate beforehand, so when the down loads hit next week, it is not too much of a shock to your system… literally and figuratively!

Selenite is a good stone to use because not only does it keep your vibration high, it is also useful for the incoming energy on 11:11 because it can slide easily down the striations on the stone. This makes it much easier for you to complete the download process.

If you are not used to working with selenite, start with a five minute session so you can adjust to its high vibration and increase the time a little every day.

If you feel spaced out, add a grounding stone at your feet to stabilise your system. If you feel really spaced out, put an additional grounding at the base chakra as well!

Quick and Easy Crystal Layouts with Selenite

  • Place a selenite above the head, one below the feet with a black grounding stone.
  • Place one selenite above and below you, and one at each side. Lying inside this grid, is a great way to experience an expanded state of awareness and raise your vibrational rate.
  • Place a piece of selenite on either side of the body at the following positions – at shoulder level, waist level and knee level.

Lapis and Selenite: An effective way to use lapis with selenite is to place 6 – 8 pieces of selenite around your body and place a piece of lapis on your upper chest, and your throat or your brow. You will also need a grounding stone of your choice at your feet.

Chakra Placement: You may also use selenite on any higher chakra, from the brow going up to the transpersonals. It is also beneficial on the thymus.

Use any of the layouts above to raise your vibrational rate before 11:11 and the best way to use selenite on the day is to place a piece vertically above your head with the clear intention that you want the Light Code download to flow down along the striations and from there go into your crown chakra with ease and grace.

The downloads occur at 11:11 a.m. and 11:11 p.m.

If you feel you need any help or guidance, this is an angelic portal and it is held open by a  whole team of angels. Any of them will be happy to offer support or advice, but you do have to ask! Your own angelics will also be there for you as well.

If you feel you need re-balancing or re-aligning before you start working with selenite, see the previous blog

Bright Blessings!


Crystal Tip to Re-balancing and Re-aligning

With all the energy shifts, not to mention the 11:11 and 12:12 portals due soon, a quick and easy way to help you feel better after any downloads is to use two crystals together to re-balance and re-align yourself.

Set the clear intention that you want to do this on all levels – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual and place an amethyst at your crown and a grounding stone of your choice at your feet. My recommendation for this would be hematite because it regulates your energy. If you have too much it downloads it into the earth, if you have too little, it will draw energy up from the earth to ensure you aren’t running on empty, so to speak. It will help the entire process.

Lie with these two stones in position for up to twenty minutes. You’ll know how long you’ll need! And you can repeat as often as you feel you need to.

If a lot of emotional rubbish is coming up at the time you are working, you can add malachite to this exercise, placing it on the solar plexus. It will act like a hoover and absorb any rubbish you may have in the chakra.

Or you can add an additional amethyst and place it on your heart. At this position, the stone will also act like a hoover, pulling out any emotional rubbish. But the blessing of amethyst is that it does this without you needing to re-connect with any of the rubbish that caused the blockage. It just sucks it out of your system, and it is gone! It’s amazing and fabulous.

Do not use the malachite and the additional amethyst together. Do two separate exercise. It is always better to process the negativity in these two chakras separately.

And always remember to thank your crystals after they have worked so hard on your behalf!

Bright Blessings!
