Using the Energy of Saturn

On 4th June Saturn goes retrograde. This is important because of the energy that this huge, magnificent planet holds for us and how it can be used to make your life better in so many ways. It will make all sorts of things rise to the surface to be dealt with and, although some of it can be uncomfortable, it will give you an enormous opportunity to clear so much rubbish from your Four Body System.

Saturn rules the past, restrictions, limitations and fear and, when it goes into retrograde, it will make karmic ties, past patterns and soul contracts up front and personal, and this is what allows you to clear them, if you are willing to do the work. It will also highlight things from way back in your past, including past lives, but it is usually focused on family and ancestral energy and the issues that can arise from these two things – wounds and old and inappropriate thought and behaviour patterns that are not always your own.

All this type of energy is stored in the Earthstar Chakra (six inches below your feet) and, since Saturn is the planet associated with this chakra, this is why all these things come up. All family and ancestral history, together with karma you have not dealt with live in this part of your energy system. So this is the perfect time to start clearing it all out because the Earthstar is very important to your journey in this lifetime. Before you incarnate, your soul decides what your soul purpose is going to be, and this information is stored in this chakra. But you need to clear out all the rubbish to get to it!

One of the easiest ways to do this kind of work is to use the energy of Saturn and the Earthstar Chakra together. If you tune in to Saturn and the Earthstar Chakra with the intention of releasing everything you no longer need, or anything that is blocking you from reaching your full potential int his lifetime, the results are often quite astonishing and all you have to do is sit quietly until you are shown the best way to release all the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual blockages you have been holding on to,… sometimes for lifetimes. You don’t need all that old, stagnant energy, especially if it does not belong to you and is linked to your family or your ancestral line.

There are many meditations you can do to do this clearing work and below is a few of them. But if you are drawn to do something else… just go for it. It is your intention that will get you to where you need to go.

Meditation One

Connect to Saturn and send your awareness down into your Earthstar Chakra with the intention of allowing what you need to become aware of to come into your mind while you are quiet and still and centred deep within yourself. Then as things start to fill your mind, all you have to do is forgive. And you have to forgive everything that you are made aware of during you meditation whether it’s a situation, something you have done, something someone else has done. You just forgive and keep forgiving, and if you become aware of a person, whether you recognise them or not – just keep saying:

I love you.

I forgive you.

I release you.

And, in doing this, you will clear the blockages from yourself, your ancestors and, best of all, all the descendants in your ancestral line. It is a great blessing to so many when you do work like this, and it is supported by the energy of Saturn.

Meditation Two

Direct the energy of Saturn into the Earthstar chakra with the intention of making your karmic lessons clear to you before you attempt to cleanse them from the chakra, so you can fully understand and appreciate what you have done, or what someone else has done. You need to see the way cause and effect has been at work in your life (past or present) so you can stop it happening again.

Meditation Three

Direct the energy of Saturn into the Earthstar chakra with the intention of clearing out any karmic debris, along with the dysfunctional energy from past patterns you or people in your ancestral line have generated over the years. And, once it has all gone, it will allow your soul to end many destructive karmic cycles that have been active over many lifetimes and transcend them as well. It will also help you to connect on a much deeper level to your soul purpose in this lifetime.

Meditation Four

Sit the energy of Saturn and ask to be made aware of any troublesome patterns that are manifesting in your life and ask for help in understanding them, so you can clear them from your Four Body System. It will always help if you understand all the current challenges in your life in a whole new way.

Meditation Five

Sit the energy of Saturn and use it, on an energetic level, to bring order and stability to your life, especially if it seems to be a bit chaotic. You can also ask to be shown why your life seems to be in chaos. This is so useful because if you understand the patterns that are at work, it gives you the ability change them, or even stop them completely. The answers you want may not come during your meditation, but they will come, and you will learn how to sort everything out. But they may come straight out of left field, so be ready to accept the information however it finally reaches you. Sometimes it comes from seemingly random or unexpected messages. Just tune into your intuition and keep listening with an open mind and an open heart.

So as you can see, there are many ways to use the energy of Saturn. Just pick the one that resonates with you.

And, if you like mediating with crystals and want to use them to enhance any work you do, the ones that resonate with Saturn are: Apache Tear, Black Coral Diamond, Garnet, Hematite, Howlite, Brown Jasper, Jet, Obsidian, Onyx, Blue Tiger’s Eye, Black Tourmaline.

Crystals that resonate with the Earthstar Charka are: Hematite, Black Tourmaline, Black Kyanite, Black Obsidian, Chiastolite, Smokey Quartz, Garnet, Ruby, Petrified Wood, Picture Jasper, Shungite, Fire Agate, Black Onyx, Lodestone.

Journey well with the energy what ever you decide to do!

Bright Blessings!



Candle Ritual

Although candles are obviously connected to the fire element because they have a flame, they are also linked to air because without air the flame just won’t burn! And you can use your breath in a candle ritual to release what no longer serves your highest and greatest good.

It is quick. It is easy, but you must have a very clear intention to ensure the release process  works properly, so really think about what you want to release before you light your candle, taking the time you need to find the right words. Without them, you will not get what you want … or even need …. out of this simple ritual.

Your focused intent is the most important thing, and it will help you the most!

And you use air rather than fire because the element of air is connected to the mind and your thoughts and the intellect and, most of the time, those are the three areas that usually cause the most trouble when we are doing our best to reconnect with our Authentic Self. It is  always our negative thoughts that sabotage what we are doing, so the energy of air will be hugely beneficial if you want to get rid of them. It will liberate us and free us from so many things that have been or are holding us back.

All you have to do is image that feeling a taking a long deep breath after you have only taken short, restricted ones… that is the power of air. It makes you free and clears everything out of your head, so your mind can become a lot more flexible.

Air is also associated with inspiration and imagination, so make sure you use these qualities in your ritual and after you have let go of everything, they will help you think of things to fill the spaces you have created by blowing your candle out.

It is also connected to ideas and knowledge, dreams and wishes, and it contains the energy of new life, new possibilities and new beginnings… just what you want really!

So, on to the ritual ~ and all you need is a candle and a match to light it! The real power is the thoughts you have before you do that, though. So think about what you want to do, to achieve, to release and mindfully intend to do all of that as you light your candle. Then blow it out with the very important thought that your breath is also blowing all the old, stagnant energy out of your body, your energy system, your energy field and, of course, your life.

This works really well because the blowing out of a candle represents an ending, a resolution, even, symbolically, a death and it is just the sort of energy you need to complete your release process.

When you have blown out your candle, you may feel you have finished what you need to do and are ready to move on to something new. But if you get the impression there is still more stuff to get rid of, just keep doing it until you feel completely and utterly cleansed on a very deep level.

Another thing you can do after you have let go of all your old, yucky energy is get another candle and mindfully light it.

This is a lovely way of showing that you are ready to light up your future and it will encourage your new beginnings to manifest in your life. It will also bring light into your world and add the energy of fire to all your new intentions, which, of course,  is the energy of transformation!

And the invitation you make just by lighting your candle will bring all this into your life instantaneously which will be just what you need.

And you will know exactly what words you need for your invitation if you sit quietly before you start.

And please make sure they are your own words and that you resonate with every single one of them. After all, this is your new beginning, not anyone else’s!

So go and find a couple of candles and give it a go. It will, quite literally, change your life!

Bright Blessings!


Energy Exchange to Clear Your System

As we are all so full of rubbish at the moment – our own and stuff acquired from everyone else… and, indeed, everywhere else – it is important to get rid of it and exchange it for vibrational frequencies that are much better suited to who you are and what you want to do.

So, you might like to try one of these exercises or both of them.

Exercise 1

  • Stand or sit with your feet firmly on the ground with a clear intention of what you want to do which is to release any energy you no longer want or need.
  • Let you hand hang at your sides with your fingers pointing down towards the ground.
  • Using your breath, pull all the unwanted energy to your shoulders from wherever it is located in your physical body and on your out breath push it down your arms and out through your fingers and let it flow down into the ground.
  • Repeat until you get the sense that everything you need to release has gone.
  • Now imagine your fingers getting longer and longer until they reach the ground and sink into it, resting quietly and gently in the energy of the earth.
  • Then when you feel ready, using your in breath to draw energy up from the earth through your fingers to your shoulders and your out breath to push it from there out into the rest of your physical body.
  • Do this until you feel all the empty spaces left by the release process have been filled with the earth energy you are absorbing through your extended fingers.
  • Lastly, when you are finished, visualise your fingers returning to their normal size and return your awareness fully to your surroundings.

Exercise 2

To help your physical body absorb more nurturing and nourishing earth energy, you need to make sure you clear the base chakra on a regular basis. This is a quick and easy way to do it. It is very effective too!

  • Ground firmly with the intention that any energy the base chakra releases goes straight down your legs to the feet chakra and discharges safely into the earth.
  • Place your left hand – palm facing towards your body – about four inches away from your pubic bone and make small circles from left to right x 8
  • Now change hands using your right hand and make small circles x 8 from right to left.
  • You should feel your base chakra is spinning more freely and working more efficiently now and you do not need to do anything else. All the chakras work automatically and behave like self-regulating pumps to maintain your chakra system and the seven associated layers of the auric sheath, but if you feel drawn to pulling up any earth energy into the base chakra, feel free. It’s your energy system! Just set the intention to do this and let it flow in through the feet chakras, up the legs and into the base chakra. Or you can use your breath and pull it up on your in breath.

I hope you find these exercises useful! They will both help to keep your energy system functioning at optimum and your chakra system will be full of vital and nourishing energy, which will benefit you in many other ways.

Bright Blessings!
