Grounding with Sandalphon

I did an angelic sound workshop over the weekend and it occurred to me that one of the exercises would be useful for most people at the moment since we are constantly feeling discombobulated by the incoming energy. And that’s not even including the energy being generated by the people around us that doesn’t resonate with us.

So, please do ask Sandalphon to help if you are struggling to ground or centre or even stay in the present moment. It is very effective. He will place a brown sphere between your feet and it is brown because it is the colour of earth. Not the Earth, but literally earth… the dirt beneath your feet so it contains the energy you need make a connection with Mother far more easily. You will also chant his name, which is the sound element of the exercise.

So, here’s the exercise:

  • Relax and focus on your breath
  • Ask Sandalphon to join you and, when he does, thank him for coming and take a moment to attune to his energy.
  • Set a clear intention that you would like him to help you ground and stabilise the whole of your Four Body System.
  • Now ask him to place a brown sphere of energy between your feet and start to chant his name.
  • Then just sit while the sound and the sphere get to work.
  • When you feel you are stable and grounded, disconnect from Sandalphon and ask him to remove his sphere. Then thank him and return your awareness to your surroundings.

I hope Samdalphon blesses you in many ways when you work with him!

Bright Blessings!





Sound and the Solar Plexus

With all the challenges everyone is facing at the moment, it is quite likely that your solar plexus chakra is not functioning at optimum most of the time! And, since it is the energetic pump for the entire system, it will have a knock-on effect on the other chakras as well.

It is an easy fix if it feels under-energised… just put the energy of your choice into the chakra and all will be fine. But if it is over-energized, it is a little more tricky.

It is harder to drain excess energy away than it is to pour more in, but you can still re-balance using sound.

All you have to do is set a very clear intention that you want to release any excess energy from the vortex at the front and the back to calm them down and then intend that the sound you then make goes to both vortices.

And the sound is SHHHH … as if you were telling someone to be quiet.

And you will find you are telling your chakra the same thing!

Bright Blessings!


Protecting yourself from Energy Vampires

From time to time we all end up in a room with someone who seems to be draining our energy. This type of person has become known as an energy vampire. Some do it deliberately. Others are not even aware they are doing it at all, but both have a detrimental affect on sensitive souls like us and we end up feeling completely wiped out after the encounter.

So, should you ever end up in this sort of situation, there is something you can do about it to stop the energy drain. It is a really simple exercise which you can do as soon as you realise what is going on… and hopefully you will already be sitting in a chair. If not, you can still cross your legs at the ankles. But if you can’t, putting your hands together, as described below, will still help, though it won’t be quite so effective because it does not completely close the energy circuit.

  • While sitting in a chair cross your legs at the ankles.
  • Now with your hands resting in your lap, make sure all the fingertips and the thumb on the left and right hand are touching.
  • This hand position closes off the circuit for your energy and stops any kind of energy drain.

You can also use this technique to close yourself down – temporarily, of course, because staying closed is not good and causes your whole energy system to stagnate – if you start to reach overwhelm with bad news or the negativity caused by it. The recent earthquake is a good example. For a sensitive it was completely overpowering, so use this to give yourself a short break from it.

Hope this helps!

Bright Blessings!


Strengthening your Aura

  • Hold a double terminated clear quartz in each hand with the intention of strengthening your auric sheath. But if you only have one it will still work. It will just take a little longer because your crystal will have more to do on its own!
  • Sit quietly with your crystals and allow them to repair the energy field around your body and stabilize it before they fill it with their high frequency energy.
  • When you feel this process is complete, thank your crystals and make sure you clean them thoroughly.

This simple exercise will ensure your auric sheath is strong and vibrant and it will also mean that if you come into contact with anyone who is likely to drain your energy it will be much harder for them to do it.

And, while the crystals are working on all seven layers of your aura, they will also transfer their crystalline energy to your physical body through the palm chakras, increasing your energy levels, so this is always a useful thing to do at any time.

Bright Blessings!
