Archangel Muriel

There are lots of angels you can call on in extreme circumstances like the ones we all find ourselves in, but for those of us who are sensitive one of the best one we can to ask to help us is Archangel Muriel. She is the archangel who has a special place in her heart for empaths and, since so many of us are constantly being hit by wave after wave of emotional energy from someone else at the moment… well, she should really start to become your Go To Angel on days when you feel you are close to overwhelm. I mean there are times when it feels as if you are drowning, or in imminent danger of being completely swept away by it all…

Muriel works with the energy of both Divine Light and Divine Love, and this will be enormously helpful to most of us. She will help you gain greater control over all your emotions and she teach you how to recognise when you have been swamped by emotions from someone else. When you work with her, you will learn to differentiate between when you are experiencing your own feelings and when you are experiencing someone else’s, so you can fully understand exactly what is happening to you and what you are actually dealing with. Then when you have identified what the energy is, Muriel will help you move it safely out of your Four Body System if it is not yours. It will just flow in and straight out of you! And, if it does turn out to be yours… well, she can help with that as well. It’s a win win for us really!

How fab is that! At the very least it is way better than having to carry unwanted negative energy around with you until you finally realise it’s not yours in the first place.

As well as all that, Muriel does a great many other things. A small list of the things she can help you with would be:

  • Finding peace
  • Loving with an open heart, including yourself and getting in touch with your deepest feelings
  • Become more aware of your intuition
  • Become more aware of yourself and the world around you
  • Expressing your true self
  • Finding your true path or calling
  • Think clearly at a crossroads in your life
  • Being more honest with yourself
  • Keeping emotions under control

I think that is a brilliant list of all the things we seem to need help with right now, so if I were you, I’d start talking to Muriel immediately!

The crystal associated with Muriel is rose quartz, but you do not have to have a piece to work with her. It just holds a vibration that is similar to hers, so it can make it easier to connect with her.

You can use any meditation to join with this lovely archangel or simply ask her to come and sit with you. At the end of the day, you need to feel comfortable working with her, so if you already have a way to connect, just go for it. If you do not, here is an exercise you could use. You can add a rose quartz and just sit with it for a little while before you ask Muriel to join you.

  • Ask Muriel to join you and when she arrives thank her for coming. Then take a moment to attune to her energy.
  • When you have done this, ask her to share her energy with you… it will be Divine Light ad Divine Love and this will have been radiating out of her from the moment she arrived. Now, using your intent, you want to focus the flow of these two powerful vibrations.
  • Ask Muriel to send this energy from her heart to your heart and wait for her to initiate the flow. You will see or sense it coming out of her heart in a bright stream of shimmering light and it will go straight into your heart chakra in the centre of your chest.
  • Just sit quietly and allow your heart to fill with this light.
  • You can now enhance how you work with these angelic vibrations if you want to by adding an intention for your breath work at this point.
  • You can intend to breathe the energy in to your heart on each in breath and, on each out breath, you can release any negative energy the angelic light has disrupted. You can ask for it to just float away on your breath, leaving more space in your heartspace for the energy flowing out of Muriel’s heart It is her gift to you when you work with her..
  • Continue until you are guided to stop. Thank Muriel, ground firmly and bring your awareness back to your surroundings.

At the end of the day, your journey with Muriel or any other angel is the only thing that really matters, not how you make that journey, how long your journey lasts or even what you choose to do while you are journeying with them. Calling them and asking for their help is the most important thing and, of course, working with them in an open and honest way, so you can start to release all the things that are holding you back and keeping you trapped in old ways of thinking and feeling and behaving.

There are many, many angels to choose from, but, today, Muriel just seemed like the perfect angel to recommend to you… have fun with her and just let her help you.

Bright blessings!




Chanting HU (pronounced HOOO)

HU is a very ancient word and it has a very high vibrational rate.

Using it will enable you to raise or maintain your own high vibrational rate, allowing you to rise up and out of any negative energy that is around you. This is extremely important at this time.

It is an extremely powerful sound and, when you make it, it will benefit you in many ways… some of them unexpected.

When you chant HU, the sonic field you create with your sound will connect you more fully with the real you – the confident and knowing side of yourself – in other words it will help you find and embody your Authentic Self.

This process is enhanced if you set the intention to embody your Authentic Self before you start chanting.

Chanting HU positively raises the vibratory frequency of every cell in your whole body and can be tones silently or out loud and works in the same way all sound does:

Sound + Intention = Healing or Result

(I learned this from Jonathan Goldman

So, as always, the thought you have before you make your sound determines where it goes and what it does. So before you make the sound HU decide what you want to do when the vibration starts inside your body and works its way out.

Some of the Ways Chanting HU can help you.

  • Chanting HU allows you to connect with your Soul on a deeper level
  • Chanting Hu brings peace to your thoughts.
  • Chanting HU can take you into a space which allows your Soul to suggest a solution to a problem you are currently faced with.
  • Chanting HU brings a feeling of peace, warmth, and comfort.
  • Chanting HU takes you into a space where you can detach from the dramas around you – yours or anyone else’s. You become less inclined to react to them… though this won’t happen after one session. You have to work at it!
  • After chanting HU you may recognize the presence of the Divine more clearly in your life, especially through greater spiritual insights in your daily life.

HU Sound Meditations

Set a clear intention before you do either of these exercises

Chanting HU

  • Sit with your spine straight and chant HU, placing your attention on the pineal in the center of the head. If you draw a line down from your crown chakra and in from the brow – where these two lines intersect is the pineal gland.
  • Chant HU silently or out loud and, if your mind wanders, bring it back and re-focus on the sound of the chant.
  • Sound always returns to silence, so when you stop chanting listen to what arises from this silence.
  • After about five minutes of listening, you can either continue to listen and look inside or return to chanting again.
  • After another five minutes more, ground and return.

The times are approximate, of course. The idea is to spend time doing both chanting and listening and see where you go and what you learn… or what you become aware of. It is your sound and your journey on the sound current you create. Go with whatever happens. It will be perfect for you!

There is no right or wrong. There is only your sound and your experiences.

Hu Breathing Exercise

  • in and out through nose for one minute. Think HU as you breathe out
  • in and out through mouth for one minute. Chant HU as you breathe out
  • in through mouth and out through nose for one minute. Think HU as you breathe out
  • in through nose and out through mouth for one minute. Chant HU as you breathe out

Have fun!

Bright Blessings!







More Help From Clear Quartz

Any quartz crystal with a termination will direct the energy towards or send it away from your body, depending on which way the point is facing. Once you know this and set a very clear intention for the work you intend to do and the healing you wish to co-create with your quartz, you can start to move energy in many ways.

The technique below will help you to self-treat, so you can start to feel better… or at least more vibrant!! You will need to repeat the procedure for each place you find any trapped energy. Or any place that needs re-filling with new, radiant energy. Or you can simply use the last bullet point on its own if you feel ungrounded. Using a quartz on each foot chakra will always help!

  • Cleanse your quartz and sit quietly, connecting with your physical body and ask to be shown where you are holding any energy that your body no longer wants or needs. After a few moments you will become aware that some parts of your body are feeling slightly different from others. You will probably sense the parts that need help because they feel congested, hot, tense, or you may even become aware of a painful sensation. This is just your body telling you where it needs a little help to release the negative energy stored inside it. If you find more than one spot that needs treating, repeat the procedure separately for each one.
  • When you have found the place where you need to start your self-treatment, put the palm of your non-dominant hand over the area and set your clear intention to release any energy your body no longer needs from that particular spot with the help of your quartz point.
  • Then, holding the quartz in your dominant hand, point the termination away from you and down towards the ground.
  • Now breathe deeply and ask your quartz to pull the energy you no longer need out of your body. It will then flow to your shoulder, down your arm and out through the crystal into the ground. Visualisation will help if you feel you want to do this. If not, the crystal knows what to do, so just let it work and carry on breathing.
  • When you feel the release is complete, thank your quartz and check your body again. You need to see if your body wants to replace the energy you have downloaded into the ground with another more beneficial one from your quartz.
  • If you get the impression your body only needed to release, not re-fill, go straight to the last bullet point and ground.
  • If you need to re-fill as well, cleanse your quartz and set your intention, asking your quartz to send some of its energy into your body through the termination. Then hold it in your dominant hand, pointing the termination towards the part of your body you have just treated with the intention of replacing the old, stagnant energy with the new vibrant energy from your quartz.
  • Then breathe deeply and see or sense the crystal sharing its lovely energy with you. Be aware of it flowing into your body from the end of the point and continue until the area feels replenished.
  • Lastly, point your crystal down towards your feet, using the energy pouring out of the termination to ground yourself firmly. Point it at each foot in turn, with the clear intention of activating each foot chakra, so you become anchored to the earth.

I hope this simple technique helps you… and always remember to cleanse your crystal at the end and thank it. It will have done some sterling work on your behalf, so sending gratitude is a lovely way of repaying this.

Bright Blessings!




Body Blessing

Since there has been so much negative energy around, especially fear, and a lot of it has probably been directed at your body, maybe it is time to give your body a break and direct a more positive energy towards it. It is, without a doubt, doing a sterling job, and it should be appreciated for doing it.

Using your intent you can direct the words of this blessing to yourself or you can ask a goddess, angelic or another helper or guide to bless the different parts of your body.

Bless my eyes that I can see clearly at all times, separating truth from the illusions that surround me.

Bless my mouth so I can speak my truth without fear, but always with love.

Bless my ears so I am able to listen to everything that is said to me, not just hear the words.

Bless my hands so I am able to reach out to others with nothing but love.

Bless my heart so I am filled with a love I can share.

Bless my legs so I can feel the power of my own strength.

Bless my feet so I can find and walk on my own true path.

If you want to, you can also add this line, even if you are a man. You still have access to the same energy of creativity that women hold in this space.

Bless my womb that I may be in touch with my creative energies and the creative energy of the universe.

And, of course, if you feel any other parts of your body need blessing… add anything you like. This is only a template for a blessing. Feel absolutely free to change it in any way so it resonates with you, but particularly your astonishing body.

An example might be…

Bless my knees so I can become more flexible and free of fear, so I am ready move forward in a whole new exciting way.

Just ask your body. It will always tell you what it needs and now is the perfect time to be quiet and actually listen.

Bright blessings!


Stuck in the Past or Creating a New Future?

We keep being told now is the time to build something new, to create a different life that is ready to go when the chaos is all over. But, how exactly do we do that? How can we even perceive what our world will be like in the next hour, let alone the next month or year? We are moving into something we have never encountered before.

Well, a good place to start is to get rid of as much energy connected to the past (or in some cases even the present) as possible… in effect creating a bit of space in your life for all these nice, new things that are waiting to come your way! You also need to consciously let them go, releasing the energy that is trapped in your Four Body System. It will be stuck all over the place in any part of your system because all of us have not only been storing it up in this lifetime. We have been storing it up in every lifetime! It is time for it to go now.

So, start by doing just that… in the morning just set the clear intention that with every out breath, you are breathing out the past, specifically any energy connected to the past that is preventing you from creating something new in your life – the thoughts, the feelings, the pain, the limitations, the fear, the…. add whatever you need to the list because, after all, you know what needs to go! You won’t lose the good things… just the things that are keeping you stuck in the past.

When you’ve done that for a few days… and I do mean a few days because we all have a rather large past that we are dragging around with us like the proverbial ball and chain, so stick with it for a while to make sure you have lots of space ready to breathe in the future!

You don’t have to know what that is… you just have to be open to receive the energy connected to it… the energy that can be used to create it ….the fabulous energy of possibilities… that’s all you have to do. Just breathe but while you are breathing don’t even try and think of what the future will be. At this point none of us even know or can probably even imagine. So don’t make the mistake of limiting the energy you draw into your system by trying to figure it all out.

Just for a moment, imagine your bright new future is a parcel from Amazon and then imagine deciding not to order it because you couldn’t figure out how Amazon was going to get the parcel to you. The delivery (or manifestation of this astonishing new life) is not your job. Your job is to put in the order and leave the rest alone.

And, in this case… the order is just allowing yourself to pull in potential energy… energy that can be used to birth a completely different reality… and, magically, like the sudden appearance of an Amazon parcel on your doorstep, at the right time every will all just fall into place.

So, this is what you do… or if you can come up with a different way that resonates with you, just go for it! It is your intention to empty yourself of the old and make way for the new that will get the job done. The details aren’t as important as your intention to do it in the best way for you.

  • Ground firmly.
  • Focus on breath and set a clear intention for your breathwork. On the in breath, breathe in the future and the potential it contains for building a new life and, on the out breath, release more of the past.
  • Let the past go and make sure you remember that the future does not have anything to do with the past. That is why it has to go. You cannot create something new if you are stuck in the old ways of thinking, feeling, behaving. You have to be open to the possibility of something completely and utterly new.
  • So as you continue to breathe, be aware of your past going out behind you and the future coming towards you, pulled towards you by your in breath.
  • See your past lifetimes flowing out behind you and your future lifetimes flowing towards you. Breathe in the future and breathe out the past.
  • Watch the flow of time and see yourself as the central point… the pivot point – the point where change is allowed to happen. And, make no mistake about that… you have to allow it to happen otherwise it won’t.
  • And, as you watch your past and future lives stretching out behind you and in front of you, allow yourself to become aware of something remarkable – you exist outside the boundaries of space and time. Your soul is eternal and you are unchanging. You are the centre of your reality. But things can still change around you… ahead of you… the future can be anything you want to make of it.
  • So, in that pause between each breath, in the moment between the in breath of the future and the out breath of the past allow yourself to see that anything is possible if you are open to receive what the universe has to offer you.
  • Allow yourself in that timeless moment to decide that you want to become more than you are right now, that you want a totally different future that is not limited by the experiences of your past. And keep breathing for as long as you need to so it happens.
  • Ground firmly and return your awareness to your surroundings.

This is only the template for what will be a whole new adventure, a whole new experience. It is up to you what you make of it… how often you do it… how much allow yourself to grow and change.

You can do it quickly or slowly … once or every day for the next year.

You can decide it’s a bit too much to do right now, but be open to doing it later… or you can even ignore the idea completely.

It’s your life and your decision.

So, sit for a moment and see what your decision is… growth or stagnation… fear or a really wild adventurous ride!

Bright Blessings!


Hand Self-Treatment

As we all need all the help we can get at the moment, here is a simple exercise to remove energy blockages in your hands, It is useful because the hand represents the whole body, so when you use this technique, you are really carrying out a crystal healing session on yourself and doing it regularly will also enhance your general health and well-being.

All you need is a piece of clear quartz with a single termination and you are good to go!

  • Hold the terminated quartz in your right hand.
  • Relax and focus on your breath for a few minutes.
  • Hold your breath until you feel your body vibrate or oscillate.
  • As you exhale and relax, point the termination of your crystal at the palm of your left hand which should be two to six inches away. Then slowly move the crystal in a clockwise circular motion. You will begin to feel a sensation in your left hand reflecting the movement of the crystal.
  • Begin to move your right hand further and further away, while continuing the circular movements with the termination of the quartz.
  • Stop moving your hand away when you stop feeling the crystalline energy on the palm of your left hand. Then slowly spiral the crystal back in, then out, then in again.
  • Continue with this until your left hand feels light and very full of energy.
  • Repeat the process on the back of your left hand.
  • Now trace the outline of your left hand three times with the termination of the crystal.
  • Now put the crystal down, close your eyes and sense the difference between your two hands. The crystallized one will feel very large and light and full of energy, while the other will feel heavy and small.
  • Repeat the process again holding the crystal in your left hand and focus the energy on the right hand.
  • During the whole process be aware of the way the crystal’s energy interacts with you own.
  • When you have finished ground, centre and thank your crystal.

And, remember, this whole process will be enhanced by the intention you set before you start. So, tune in to your body and see what is needs and ask your quartz to help you co-create this for your body.

I hope it helps you!

Bright Blessings!

