How Can I Work With This Planet?

Jupiter brings vision, faith, optimism, loyalty, justice, confidence and wisdom. What a lovely list! And the energy of Jupiter – courtesy of the Juno probe which has just arrived at the planet – is all over the place at the moment. This is good for us because the main quality supplied by Jupiter is:


Jupiter is a star which failed to ignite, so it has the potential to become a star trapped energetically inside it. We could have been a binary star system… how amazing is that thought? But because of this, it represents latent power and this is hugely important to us. It means Jupiter has an incredibly expansive and beneficial energy and now is the perfect time to tap into it. It is also the planet of luck and prosperity. Who wouldn’t want some of that?It expands all resources and blessings.

Jupiter even acts like a Sun. Wonderfully, it has its own little solar system, holding sixteen moons in orbit because its gravitational field is second only to the Sun. It also generates more heat than it receives from the Sun which is created by the planet’s incredibly fast rotation. It only takes twelve hours for it to make a full rotation. The intensity of the heat causes the planet to bulge near the equator which is why Jupiter is associated with the ability to help us expand….and it expands consciousness for us, if you work with the energy… well, consciously really!

Jupiter is, in fact, considered to be the higher octave of the Sun, embodying the power of the higher self, the upper vibration of the personality. It rules our potential for growth and expansion on many levels; physical, intellectual, spiritual, cultural, and the accumulation of material assets, power, and status

Jupiter is associated with the colours blue and purple.

Jupiter is associated with many chakras, depending on which article you read. I personally go for the chakras which resonate with its colours, but in some articles it is also associated with the solar plexus because this is where we have fire energy and the energy of the Sun. You will just have to see what works for you really!

Other Associations

CRYSTALS: Blue Lace Agate, Amethyst,Ametrine, Blue Apatite, Blue Calcite, Howlite, Lapis Lazuli, Lepidolite, Labradorite, Merlinite, Sapphire, Sodalite, Spectrolite, Sugilite, Blue Tiger’s Eye, Blue Tourmaline, Turquoise

PLANTS: African Violet, Agrimony, Alexander, Alfalfa, Aloe, Arrowroot, Asparagus, Betony, Bluebell, Blueberry, Borage, Cardamon, Carnation, Cedar, Chestnut, Cinnamon, Cinquefoil, Clove, Clover, Currant, Dandelion, Deerstongue, Dock, Dog Grass, Fig, Henna, Hyssop, Jasmine, Juniper, Lavender, Lila, Liverwort, Lungwort, Magnolia, Maple, Milkweed, Mistletoe, Moneywort, Mulberry, Mustard Seeds, Narcissus, Oak, Red, Oak- White, Oakmoss, Pine, Sage, Sandalwood, Sarsaparilla, Sumac, Sweet Briar, Sweet Cicely, Tonka Bean, Violet, Wallflower

Random Facts About Jupiter

  1. One of the interesting things about Jupiter is that in the Eastern traditions of astrology, it is associated with the guru or spiritual teacher. So, when channelled properly, the energy of the planet is the energy of spiritual learning. Jupiter is the inner teacher.
  2. Also in the same traditions, Jupiter is called the light of a thousand suns. It radiates not physical light, but the spiritual light of illumination.
  3. Jupiter rules the liver because it is the largest planet and the liver is one of the largest organs. Some healers have noted that liver problems are often created through unresolved anger and when you are in the expanded consciousness of Jupiter, anger can be resolved. Only when you are blocked to the expanded consciousness of Jupiter do you hold anger on a long term basis. Jupiter rules many of the liver herbs, such as dandelion.

IMPORTANT POINT TO REMEMBER: Please be aware that you must ALWAYS GROUND FIRMLY before connecting with Jupiter. And, if after doing that, you still find the energy of the planet a bit much to handle, disconnect from Jupiter and connect to Saturn first.

I always teach my students to do this because Saturn,when you fully embody the energy of this planet, it one of the most effective ways to keep you stable. So when the Jupiter energy hits your system you are able to keep this feeling of stability and you will feel very secure as you work. It will also mean you are able to make the most of the expansion Jupiter always brings to all levels – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Jupiter Meditation

  • Choose a crystal from the list above.
  • If you like candles – light four purple ones around you.
  • Relax and focus on your breath.
  • Hold your crystal until you feel you are attuned to its energy.
  • Connect to Saturn, setting the intention that you want the energy to flow in through your crown, down your central channel and into your base chakra(or earthstar if you work with this energy centre). Allow it to ground you very firmly before moving on.
  • Now connect to the energy of Jupiter,allow it to flow in through your crown chakra and fill your central channel. Then using your intention and your breath, on your in breath draw in the energy of Jupiter and on your out breath, let the energy flow out of your central channel and into your physical body, filling it completely. Then allow it to keep flowing outwards, on your out breath, into your emotional body, your mental body and your spiritual body.
  • Feel the energy of Jupiter expanding you even further as you continue to breathe. Feel yourself fill the room, fill your home and then expand beyond your home and into the area where you live.
  • Feel yourself expand into your town, county and country.
  • Now expand into the continent and then expand until you connect with the Earth itself and fill it.
  • Now feel you are expanding from the Earth to the solar system.
  • You can go on to fill the galaxy and the universe, if you want to. This is your journey.Do whatever feels right for you. Or you can expand up to Source.
  • At the end of the meditation you need to ensure you lower the rate at which you are vibrating, so set the intention to disconnect from the energy of Jupiter and with each in breath draw it back, through all the places you expanded into in reverse order until you are left with the energy of Jupiter in your central channel.
  • Earth this energy, letting it flow safely into the ground and let the energy of Saturn stabilise your system before you disconnect from that vibrational frequency.
  • Disconnect from your crystal and offer thought of love and gratitude to it for its help.
  • Now return your energy to the room.

This exercise will allow you to hold the energy of expansion in your system and once it is there you will find it becomes easier to expand in many other ways.

An Alternative: Draw the energy of Jupiter into any chakra which you feel needs expanding and let it work.

Another Way of Bringing the Energy of Expansion into your Life

If you are not used to working with planetary energies or you find them a bit overwhelming, which they can be sometimes, another way to bring this quality into your life, of course, is to ask The Angels of Expansion to join you. They will bring with them the energy of expansion and place it in your Four Body System. You can use the same basic meditation shown above, except you ask the angels to put their energy of expansion into your crown chakra.

You can also ask The Angels of Expansion to enhance your expansion on all levels and to keep working with you until you feel you have fully integrated the idea of being able to expand beyond what you currently think is possible for you. These guys can help you achieve what you might consider impossible! They can clear any resistance to expanding on a physical, emotional, mental or spiritual level, and they will actively help you overcome it, clearing blockages and they can ask other angels to come and help you.

There is a group of angels associated with every quality you can imagine – so whatever quality you need to help you expand beyond the limitations you have placed on yourself and your life, not to mention the way you live your life … well, they are ready and waiting for you to ask for assistance. They want to help you to become more than you are right now and more than you think you can be, or even wish that you can be… how astonishing and fabulous is that? These angels can help you to think right outside the proverbial box…. but only if you ask them. They can help you release old perceptions you have about yourself, your life and the way it has to be lived, allowing you to connect with new more expansive perspectives … more creative realities… my particular favourites are The Angels of Creative Solutions. They are completely astonishing and whatever you ask, it always works, but not necessarily in the way you expected. They always live up to their name!

And, last but not least, you can ask The Angels of Expansion to anchor the vibrational frequency of expansion in your system so it is there permanently… always working, always helping you change and grow and perceive yourself in many new and exciting ways. They can also help you accept expansion, recognise when you need expansion, recognise when you have expanded, so you can take a moment to be proud of all you have achieved.

So – what are you waiting for…? Get on with it… immediately!

And make sure you think big… and dream big. With the energy of Jupiter you can’t do anything else… and really, if you are going to dream why bother dreaming small… what on earth is the point? Dream really, really BIG!

Right now!

Bright Blessings  Gailx






I did my sound healing training with Jonathan Goldman, so all my sound work is based on the way he sees sound working on the earthplane.

sound + intent + healing or result.

The thought you have before you make your sound will always determine what it does, so when you work with your mantra, make sure you set a very clear intention for what you want your sound to do and chant out loud – even if you feel silly. The effect will be astonishing!

If you use a turquoise stone with sound work, it will enhance the whole process because turquoise strengthens the throat chakra and releases inhibitions – always good! It also allows your soul to express itself once more. A lovely gift from a lovely stone!

And, of course, you can use the stone without making any sound. Just place it on the throat with the intention of allowing its energy to work in the chakra and help enhance all your communication skills.

The key word for turquoise is wholeness, so it can bring this quality to your communication or it can help you express the whole of you!

The throat chakra is the means by which we express the wisdom from our brow chakra (via the intuition and the link to the higher aspects of ourselves) and the love in our heart chakra. It is important to keep the throat clear so we can do this more easily and freely.

Turquoise necklaces are particularly good because they keep the energy of the stone in the throat area for long periods of time.

So on to the instructions:

  • Decide which sound you want to work with. There is a choice shown below – but you can use any sound which appeals to you if you want to. Feel free to make something up yourself or use a throat chakra affirmation. This is your sound healing – personalise it and really make it work for you. It’s not good repeating words like a parrot if they don’t mean anything to you or resonate with you in any way. You have to believe what you are saying or doing!
  • Sit with your piece of turquoise or if you don’t have the stone just visualise the colour and breathe the energy of the stone (or the colour) into the throat chakra before you start making your sound. You can simply let the vibrations of the stone (or colour) do whatever they need to do in the energy centre – or if you know you have a specific blockage ask the vibrations of the stone (or colour) to shift it out of your energy system. Do this for as long as you feel you need to.
  • When you feel you have enough turquoise energy in your throat chakra, relax and focus on your breath, finding your own rhythm – in four the count of four – pause and out for the count of four – pause is a good place to start and actually counting will focus your mind and give it something to do rather than you sitting there trying to make it be quiet. As it’s used to always having something to do, giving it something usually helps and can encourage it to join in the meditation in its own way.
  • When you are relaxed – stop counting if you have been using that technique – and set the intention you want to use your sound to help to restore a healthy balance to your throat chakra and the way you communicate – on all levels – and start chanting out loud, continuing until to feel you need to stop.
  • Repeat the mantra silently for several minutes and then let your sound fade into silence
  • Sit in silence for several moments.
  • Thank your stone if you were using one.
  • Ground and return

Suggested Sounds

  • HAM(pronounced as HUM)
  • EYE – vowel sound I

These sounds will unblock your throat chakra, which governs your ability to express yourself and communicate to the world who you are and what you need and want from yourself and the Universe. If it remains blocked, you will find you become frustrated because you cannot find a way to effectively express your needs and desires. Both these sounds will open your throat so energy flows through the chakra freely and easily.

  • OM – this sound not only cleans and aligns all the chakras, it clears the aura as well so you can multi task with this! It also purifies the environment around you and creates positive vibrations.It eliminates stress, tension, anxiety, fear, anger and it increases concentration, creativity and intuitive power. And one last benefit of the sound is that it increases energy and removes fatigue. Shouldn’t you just start chanting this straight away whether your throat chakra needs help or not!!!

Suggested Mantra

Om SatyayaiNamaha

Pronounciation: OM SOT-YAH-YAH    NAH MAH HAH

English translation: I Honour The Power Of Truth.

If you use this mantra, while chanting, it works best if you focus on the pathway from your heart to your throat to your crown and back again, in a smooth, seamless loop for 15 minutes. When you have finished, notice how you feel and decide how you will use the energy by listing three ways you will be honour your authentic self and how you intend to do it.

Additional note: Archangels Michael and Raguel work with the turquoise stone, so feel free to ask them to join you to enhance the healing process… or there are, of course, the very lovely, angels of sound. They will always be happy to join you!

Another Throat Chakra Sound Meditation

  • Set your clear intention to clear or unblock the throat chakra with your sound.
  • Sit with spine straight, your head titled slightly down, eyes closed and focused on the brow chakra, taking care not to lock the throat area by lowering your chin too much.
  • Breathe in and out of the throat chakra for a few moments to start energy flowing in this area of your chakra system.
  • Now visualize the colour for this chakra – blue.
  • Now chant, using either EYE or HAM (pronounced Hum) Chant it silently at first, then out loud for as long as you need to to clear the chakra.
  • Feel the sound resonate the throat chakra, clearing it and add the intention you want this energy to rise up the chakral line going through the brow chakra and the crown.
  • Repeat the mantra silently again for several minutes and let your sound fade into silence
  • Sit in silence for several moments.
  • Ground and return

I hope you enjoy this technique for clearing your throat chakra as well as enjoy all new ways you find to express yourself on all levels once it is free of any negative energy you have been storing there! We are all very good with filling this chakra up with rubbish… on a regular basis, so it is important to clear it regularly too.

Bright Blessings  Gailx

