Balancing Your Energy System

As the energy is still all over the place at the moment, here is a quick way to re-balance yourself.

Just set a clear intention before you start working with your two clear quartz points and ask for the energy they transmit into your central channel to help you in the best way possible.

  • Lie down and place one single terminated quartz at your feet – point towards your head and with the other crystal at the crown – point towards your feet. Then just get out of their way and let them work. They know what to do!
  • If you want to enhance the whole process, you can visualise your central channel filling with vibrant crystalline energy and flowing out into the chakras and then your auric sheath.
  • You can also use your breath to send it out into your Four Body System. One the inbreath draw the energy of your two crystals into the central channel and on the outbreath imagine pushing it out to fill the physical body and the etheric body, and after that it will naturally keep flowing out into the emotion, mental and spiritual bodies, clearing away anything you no longer need.
  • The only other thing you have to do is lie with your crystals until you get the sense that their work is complete and then ground and return your awareness to your surroundings.
  • And, of course, make sure you thank your crystals for all their hard work before you clean them thoroughly.

Hope you find this helpful.

Bright Blessings!





Crystal Tip for Stress Relief

Well, after the tumultuous events of the last two weeks almost everyone needs a little stress relief as we take a huge leap into the unknown, so thankfully all you need is two single terminated clear quartz.

Place your crystals – point up – on the solar plexus and the crown chakra and ask your them to draw out any energy that you no longer need (or that you may be carrying for someone else) and send it up and out through the crown chakra through the points. And then sit quietly while the crystals work their magic!

As this energy will then flow out into the room, please make sure you clean it after you have sat with your crystals. And don’t forget to thank them afterwards and clean them too.

If you only have one clear quartz point, do the chakras separately, starting with the solar plexus and then do the crown. It will just take a little longer!

Bright Blessings!
