There is lots of stuff out there on the archangels. The internet is full of it, so there is little point in me re-typing it, especially since it is never about what you read; it is always about how you relate to the angelic you have chosen to work with and your own personal journey with them. Information can only ever only point the way. You still have to choose what direction you want to take! But, if you are drawn to exploring – well, you must know how to use Google just as well as me!! All I want to do is focus on one aspect of one archangel today! Raziel and Light.

I like Raziel. I know I say that about all the angelics, but Raziel really is very user-friendly and, more important than that, the specific frequency of light he emits is seriously useful. He blasts out the full spectrum in all directions and the image most commonly associated with him is the rainbow. He is very bright if you look at him, or perceive him in other ways! After all, not everyone is visually oriented. So, this means he brings light to you on a massive scale and can literally en-lighten you in many, many ways, as well as bring enlightenment. This is good at a time when there is so much darkness around. Utilising Raziel’s light and embedding it in your Four Body System will help you remain balanced while everything around you is busy going to hell in the proverbial handbasket!

Rainbow light has a very high vibrational frequency because it is white light created when all seven frequencies of the full spectrum are combined. It can clear as well as nurture the whole of your energy system. It is fabulous! And, working with Raziel and his rainbow light will be really beneficial to you. It symbolises purity and enlightenment which is actually what we need the most at the moment.

You can connect with Raziel in the same way you would connect with any angelic – at any time, in any way that suits you, and a simple thing to do to access his frequency is just to sit with him while he radiates his rainbow light and let it flow from him to you. Your intention will allow the light to work anywhere in your Four Body System and determine exactly what it does.

A way to enhance your connection is to use a clear quartz because this is the crystalline version of Raziel in that it also radiates the full spectrum of light into your Four Body System. It is absolutely perfect to use while you meditate with him. It also handily doubles the amount of available light you have to work with if it is coming from Raziel and your crystal! There is, of course, a danger you will end up glowing!

Raziel does lots of things to help you move forward on your earthwalk. The list is, like it is with all angelics, is seemingly endless. So, as I said earlier, if you are drawn to investigating further, please do, but a good place to start is always by using his rainbow light and you can move on from there.

Once you have worked with the light and cleansed your system, it makes doing other things with Raziel much easier, especially on a deeper level, because you don’t have to plough your way through the rubbish on the surface. You can go straight to the deep-seated stuff and make real progress. And, if you have already done a lot of work before you call him in, you can just use the rainbow light to keep your system clean and your vibratory rate high. That is a blessing in and of itself for those of us who have been clearing out our rubbish for years!

Raziel Meditation

  • If you want to use a clear quartz – sit with it quietly, attuning to its energy and the light it is emitting.
  • Then ask Raziel to join you and take a moment to consciously attune to his energy. Be aware it is an intense white light and it will be radiating out of him in all directions.
  • Once you have attuned to this light – ask Raziel to split it for you, so you can perceive all the frequencies that are held within it. You will see his rainbow light it all its glory.
  • Now set the intention to breathe this light into your aura to cleanse it.
  • Keep breathing until you get the sense this has been done and then set the intention to breathe it in to your central channel – the pranic tube that runs from the crown chakra to the base chakra.
  • On the in breath, keep drawing the rainbow light in through the crown until the channel is full and any debris has been dissolved in the intensity of the light and then add an additional intention. Breathe the rainbow in, let it build in the channel during a short pause and then on the out breath send it blasting out through all the chakras, cleansing them.
  • When the chakra system has been cleared, set the intention to clear the Four Body System in the same way and, on the in breath, keep drawing the rainbow light in through the crown until the central channel is full, let it build in the channel during a short pause and then, on the out breath, send it flowing gently out through the physical body, the emotional body, the mental body and the spiritual body, cleansing them all of anything you are ready to release at this time.
  • Just sit breathing in and out and stay in this beautiful space for as long as you want to. Then ask Raziel to disconnect you from his light.
  • Thank Raziel, ground and return your awareness to your body.

Additional things you can do once you have cleansed your system with the rainbow light.

  • Raziel creates a connection between you and whatever you perceive as Divinity – Source/God/Goddess/Universe. It’s different for everyone. But you can ask him to enhance this connection for you, or activate it on a higher level and then breathe the rainbow light into your crown chakra. All you have to do is keep breathing and let Raziel do the rest.
  • Raziel helps you re-connect with your intuition and your own deep inner wisdom. You never lose it. You just need reminding it’s still there really. So, ask him to enhance your ability to connect with all your intuitive gifts or activate them on a new higher level. Breathe the rainbow light into your brow chakra, keep breathing and, once again, let Raziel do the rest.
  • A very quick way to experience Raziel’s light in a beautiful and powerful way is to ask him to join you and ask him to send his light from his heart chakra to your heart chakra. This way you get this wonderful rainbow with the additional energy of the Divine Unconditional Love that Raziel holds in his heart for all of us. Just breathe it in, allow it to clear your heart, and expand it, so you can take in more and more of his rainbow light. It is lovely, but if you do this… as you have been blessed by Raziel, so you must bless in return. After a while, when you are completely full of his energy, add an additional intention for your breath work. Keep breathing in Raziel’s light and love, but on the out breath, send this exquisite combination of energy out of your heart to any who are in need of a blessing on the earthplane.

Raziel will always shine light into darkness, so why not let him shine a bit into your life and illuminate you. Let him help you see what old, out-dated energy needs to be shifted and released. He will be ready and willing to help, as long as you actually ask!

And, if you keep seeing rainbow flashes of light… well, this is just Raziel’s way of letting you know that you are not paying attention to all the other ways he has been gently trying to nudge you in his direction!

All you really have to do is invite him to join you during your meditations and ask him to clear you of anything that stops you connecting with your Authentic Self. Everything he does eventually comes down to just that. You can look at the lists, choose what you think you need from any of them, but, at the end of the day, he will just help you clear all the rubbish from your life – and all other lifetimes – until all that is left is just …. YOU! What more could you ask from an angelic guide?

Well, except the one thing that Raziel has that other angelics don’t always have … MAGIC!! He is the angelic version of Merlin and, when you have been working with him a while, and have done your clearing work… he will bring that into your life in most unexpected ways!! In fact, on many of those lists magic is one of his key words… and who doesn’t want some of that in their life!

Have fun with Raziel!

Bright Blessings!





Use can selenite to cleanse the whole of your Four Body System and boost your spiritual growth and it is astonishingly effective. But, please be aware that it is a very, very powerful stone with an exceedingly high frequency, so please check that it is appropriate for you to start using it. There are plenty of other crystals that are good at dissolving blockages and you can use these instead.

It will not take very long for the selenite to clear negative energy and, once it had gone, the stone will create a smooth flow of energy through the whole of your system. It will also bring calmness and peacefulness to your mind and your body, mainly by relieving stress and anxiety.

All you need to do is sit with your stone in your non-dominant hand with the intention of drawing the energy in to your body through your palm chakra with each in breath. Or you can rub your fingers gently along the striations. Do whatever you want. It’s your journey with the stone.

Another alternative is to sit with the stone beneath your feet to clear the feet chakras which will allow you to connect with the earth more easily and increase the flow of earth energy into your system to nurture your physical body.

You can also cleanse your aura really quickly which is always useful after a tough day! Hold the stone a few inches away from your body – with the striations running top to bottom – and, starting at the top of the head, gently move it down to the ground. Do the front back and each side with the intention of removing any negativity stuck in the auric sheath.

Note: if you are doing this technique on yourself and you can’t reach the back, do the front twice, once with the intention of doing the back. It will still work! Also, if the stone feels stuck and won’t continue going down to the floor, it indicates a large blockage which needs a bit more work. Just imagine your stone is a cloth and keep wiping the spot to clear the congestion until it starts moving again.

If you want to use it in the chakra system, a good place to start is to hold the stone at the heart. It will download its energy into your system and it will spread everywhere.

None of these things take more than five or six minutes – though you can work for longer if you want to. So, it is very easy to fit them into a busy day and keep your vibrational rate high and strong, which is the most important thing for us to do these days. Anything that keeps us out of low vibrational energy is a blessing and this stone is very good at it.

One thing – do not clean this stone with water. It is solidified sea water from an ancient ocean, so if you add water… you will eventually get water. It will dissolve!!

Have fun!

Bright Blessings!


