Crystal Tip for November

Since you may want to clear yourself out, not to mention re-balance yourself before you get to the madness of December, here is a layout that will allow you to do this.

Although, all the stones are wonderful to work with, the citrine will be the most useful one in this layout because it does so much and, before you use the layout, you will need to decide what help you need the most from the stone. It does a staggering amount of things, and it certainly does a lot more things than is shown in the short list below, but these work particularly well with this layout:

  • Releases tension
  • It clears any blockages in your Four Body System by transforming any negative energy into positive energy.
  • Aligns the chakras
  • Energises and revitalises you on all levels

You can ask for all four if you really feel you need them, but you may find you only need one or two when you start to work with your stones. Just check before use the layout because you will get better results if you ask for the right thing for you at the time you are working with your crystals.

So set your intention for your layout, which is to cleanse your Four Body System and re-balance the energy in your physical body. Then add your intention for your citrine and then you are good to go!

  • Pyrite at each foot chakra
  • Citrine at your solar plexus chakra
  • Moonstone in your left hand
  • Sunstone in your right hand
  • Place your crystals, focus on your breath, and just allow them to work. They all know exactly what to do!
  • Take your awareness to your feet and visualise the energy of the pyrite grounding you firmly. Then breathe the energy of the stone up through the feet chakras, so it can flow up both legs into your base chakra, where it will clear the base chakra and start to re-vitalise your physical body.
  • Now take your awareness to your citrine and visualize huge bursts of  bright golden energy radiating out of the stone, filling the chakra before it flows into your physical body, filling it and cleansing it as well, together with your etheric body. Then visualise it spreading out into your aura and the rest of your subtle anatomy doing the same thing.
  • Now take your awareness to your sunstone and the moonstone and visualise the two streams of crystalline energy flowing into your body through palm chakras, while you hold a very clear intention that you want their energy to bring each side of your body into balance, particularly masculine and feminine energy. they hold
  • Then when you feel all this has been done just lie in the combined energy of all your crystals for a few minutes.
  • Ground firmly and bring your awareness fully back to your surroundings.

And don’t forget to thank your crystals for all their hard work on your behalf!

Bright Blessings!


Want an Energy Boost?

Well, all you need is the grounding stone of your choice and two single terminated clear quartz.

Although I could choose a grounding stone, it’s always better to use one that resonates with you, not to mention one that works well for you because all the individual stones work so differently, interacting with your energy in so many different ways. You will always need to have the right stone for you at the time you feel you need to boost your energy levels. But saying that, I would always choose smokey quartz, fluorite or black tourmaline. But, as always, if you are drawn to use something else, please go with that.

So, how do you boost your energy with these three stones?

All you have to do is and place the grounding stone of your choice between your feet and place a single terminated quartz in the palm of each hand – points towards you. This will keep you safe and secure while the energy from your quartz crystals flows from your palm chakras into your physical body and, from there, it is distributed through the rest of your Four Body System.

The only other thing you have to do to enhance this process is to breathe deeply, visualising the energy from your quartz flowing through your body and out into your subtle bodies and you keep doing it until you feel refreshed and re-vitalised by the crystalline energy.

Then earth any excess energy that is in your system, letting it flow through your body so it can flow safely into the ground, thank your crystals and return your awareness to your surroundings.

Hope this helps!

Bright Blessings!
