Moonstone – The Stone of New Beginnings.

After so many energy shifts recently, moonstone is the perfect stone to re-balance on all levels. Its energy is, after all, soothing and balancing, so it will help with anything you are experiencing as you transition through all the chaos. It is also a deeply cleansing stone and will work on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels, even in the subtle bodies.

It is particularly helpful if you want to find out exactly what is causing an imbalance within any part of the Four Body System. When you meditate with the stone, it will help you identify any self-destructive cycles you may be manifesting which need to be cleared. It will also help you become aware of your emotional responses before they change into a negative thought or behaviour pattern. It is one of the very best stones for any kind of emotional healing.

Moonstone and the Chakras

Moonstone can be placed on any chakra that is out of balance. But, whatever chakra you choose to work with, always make sure that you set the clear intention to use the energy of the stone to cleanse the energy centre before you start.

  • Crown – use at this chakra during meditation to bring a deeper sense of spiritual awareness. You may also wish to place an additional moonstone on the brow while you do this. Moonstones work well when you want to enhance your awareness in this way because they represent your personal identification with the Divine, oneness, peace and wisdom.
  • Brow – use at this chakra to open your mind to hoping and wishing, inspiration and spontaneity, serendipity and synchronicity. When you work with the stone here regularly it will re-connect you to your intuition, bringing many flashes of insight.
  • Throat – use at this chakra to release any emotions you have not been able to express with your voice. They will be stuck in this chakra until you clear the energy or speak the words you have been afraid or unable to speak.
  • Heart – it opens this chakra, and allows you to become more receptive to all your inner feelings, especially any you may have repressed. They will need to be acknowledged and cleared before healing can occur on deeper levels.
  • Solar Plexus – use at this chakra to clear any emotional blockages.
  • Sacral – it is particularly beneficial at this chakra because the chakra holds the energy of the water element and moonstone is a water element stone.
  • All chakras – lay down place one moonstone on each chakra and let them work. Or if you only have one, place the stone at the base chakra, leaving it there until you get the sense it has finished working and repeat going all the way up to the crown.

Additional Ways to Use Moonstone

  • If you are going to meditate to restore emotional balance, use rhodochrosite at the solar plexus and a moonstone on the heart.
  • Another way to use moonstone for emotional healing is to lay down and place the stone in the centre of the chin – this is the moon centre – after setting a clear intention for what you want to achieve while you work with the stone.
  • Place moonstones over the heart and solar plexus while meditating to balance your emotions.
  • Wear a pendant with a chain long enough to allow the stone to hang over your heart.
  • While lying down, place moonstone in a line from the breastbone to the navel with an additional atone over the heart.
  • Meditating with moonstone takes you deep inside the Self and while you work with it, it will help you identify any missing piece or pieces of the puzzle that is your life on the earthplane. It can also reveal parts of the soul that have been left behind or forgotten, so you can recall them

Soothing Moonstone Layout

You will need five stones.

A beneficial side effect of this healing grid is that creativity and intuition will be enhanced.

  • Set the intention that you want to use the energy of the moonstones to relax you and you are ready and willing to allow their soothing energy to flow in, through and around your body, clearing any blockages you are ready to release while you are working with the stones.
  • Place a moonstone on the front of each hipbone.
  • Place a moonstone in the dip of each shoulder by the armpit.
  • Place the final moonstone the top of the head just touching it.
  • Lie and relax in this position for about 10 – 15 minutes, after a while you should feel a soothing energy flowing through the body.
  • Ground firmly before you remove the stones and send them thoughts of love and gratitude for their help.

One last immensely useful thing that moonstone does is to allow you to absorb what you need from the Universe, though this is, of course, not necessarily what you want. It also allows you to intuitively understand this process and flow with it rather than resist it.

I hope you enjoy working with the lovely stone! It will always help.

Bright Blessings!




Crystal Tip for March

Balancing your Energy Ready for the Equinox with Quartz

This crystal is a Master Healer. It is very powerful – make sure you have a very clear intention when you work with it!

You can use any quartz – all you have to do is decide which variety will give you the best result.

It will depend on:

the energetic state you are in before you sit with your crystal


the energetic state you want to be in when you have finished sitting with your crystal!

If you are looking for recommendations – I would use clear quartz and then amethyst. The high frequency energy held deep within clear quartz crystalline matrix carries the power to clear your mind by cleansing your thoughts. So this will help with absolutely anything you are trying to deal with. It is so often the thoughts in our mind that cause us a problem! It is the way we describe something inside our head that determines our experience of it.

And then when you have cleared your energy, use the amethyst because it works as an energetic shield, holding spiritual light around the physical body, which is especially useful during any periods of change and transition. It will keep you stable. Also since amethyst is a Violet Flame crystal, it will radiate this deeply cleansing and protective energy out into your Four Body System, keeping you safe and snug and very, very comfortable while the chaos continues around you. It’s going to be there for quite a while… how lucky for us!

All you have to do is:

  1. Set a very clear intention of what you want to achieve while you work with your crystal.
  2. Hold it in your non-dominant (or in-coming) hand, and using your breath, draw the energy of the crystal in to your energy system through your palm chakra.
  3. Then let it flow up your arm and into your body.
  4. Keep breathing the energy in until your physical body is full and then let it overflow into the rest of your Four Body System.
  5. When you reach this stage and the crystalline energy is flowing, you may wish to add the intention that you want to release any negative energy – which has been disrupted by the crystal you are working with – on each out breath. This is optional and you will know if you want to do it.
  6. At the end, earth any excess energy, ground, thank your crystal and return your awareness to your surroundings.

To give you an idea of how the different varieties of quartz can help you, here is a bit of information. You can always look up more details if you think you need them. But, you will probably find you are just drawn to one type from the list below and you can run with it, guided only by your own intuition. The body ALWAYS knows the frequency it lacks…just allow your eyes will be drawn to it. The mind often confuses us as soon as it sees words and descriptions by trying to figure out what it thinks we need. The body just knows… always trust it!

  • Clear Quartz – power and clarity. Its high frequency will raise your vibrational rate, helping you rise out of any low vibrational energies that are stuck in your energy system. It will then clear them.
  • Smoky Quartz – grounding. This will stabilise your energy system, but very gently. It will also clear lower vibrational energetic states.
  • Amethyst – cleansing and uplifting. This will harmonize your energy system by powerfully cleansing it at a very deep level. It is particularly useful at the heart chakra. It is used with the intention of clearing the chakra and, when it is held in the vortex, it will pull out any blockages without the need for you to reconnect to the energy or the situation that caused it. It also helps you uncover your true self.
  • Citrine – positive energy. This quartz transmutes any negative energy in any form into positive energy… eventually. If you are determined to remain in a bad mood, for whatever reason, it will take a little longer. As soon as the crystal starts to clear you out, you are already busy generating even more negative energy! But if you want to release anything, this is the stone to help you do that!
  • Rose Quartz – unconditional love. This stone is not for the faint hearted. Yes, it will absolutely give you access to the beautiful frequency of unconditional love, but if you are not ready to deal with any old emotional pain stored in your heart space which is not vibrating at this very high frequency, the stone will immediately bring it up front and personal and insist that you deal with it! Sometimes a different stone at the heart will be more helpful…. my recommendation is always unakite because it holds the frequencies of pink and green – the heart chakra in balance. It is also a lot more gentle. Or amethyst – see above.

Have fun with your quartz … which ever variety you choose!

Bright Blessings!
