Malachite and Why You Should Love It!

In these strange times when nothing is as it was, as you expect it to be, and nothing works the way it used to, why not start using malachite because it is such a good multi-tasking stone, and it will help you navigate the chaos in so many different ways. Some of them are listed below in no particular order.

I have numbered them so you can use the list intuitively. When you decide to work, pick up your piece of malachite and allow a number to pop into your head. Don’t think about it. Just expect a number to come to you and this will show you how you need to work with your crystal right at that moment.

  1. It teaches you how to take responsibility for your actions, thoughts and feelings
  2. It breaks unwanted ties to people, places and situations and helps with the releasing of outdated thought and behaviour patterns related to them
  3. It balances mood swings
  4. It attunes you to spiritual guidance
  5. It helps you deal with change
  6. It shows you what is blocking your spiritual growth, bringing to the surface all the things that the conscious mind is unaware of so you can deal with them.
  7. It helps with depression and anxiety
  8. It helps you overcome the fear of expressing yourself
  9. It reveals the truth about yourself and will help you deal with what comes up when you meditate with the crystal about this.
  10. It helps you resist the temptation to take on other people’s rubbish.
  11. It helps you become more confident
  12. It shows you your energetic and emotional boundaries and will help you to honour those boundaries for yourself and others.

Three useful places to use malachite are:

The solar plexus chakra – it will bring about deep emotional healing, releasing negative experiences and old traumas. It will literally pull the old, stagnant energy right out of the chakra. Ground firmly when you do this, though. It will also help you work with your will and your personal power in a balanced, empowering way.

The heart chakra – it brings balance and harmony to this chakra and opens you to the energy of unconditional love.

The brow chakra – it will activate the chakra, enhancing inner vision and your connection to your deep inner wisdom and intuition.

As Malachite is a stone of transformation, it is a really good crystal to have around you in these ever-changing times when your life can literally be transformed in less than a nanosecond!

But as always remember that when you work with your crystal you are co-creating your own special healing with it, so be open to it doing amazing things that aren’t on the list! It doesn’t show everything malachite can do if you open to letting it help you!

Journey well with this powerful crystal ally!

Bright blessings!



Crystal Thought for the Day


What kind do you need?

Light in the darkness?


Does your darkness need to be brought into the light?

Symbolically white moonstone represents the light in the darkness while black moonstone brings darkness into the light – so it might be worth taking a moment to two to consider which one you need right now to continue your journey towards wholeness.

It could be one or the other… or even, occasionally, both. You’ll know as soon as you start asking the question… as long as you are prepared to accept the answer, of course. But rest assured that it is always worth searching for the answer to this one, even if it means delving into the darkness you have inside you. It will undoubtedly be better when it’s gone. Or at the very least understood.

So do you need a little light at the end of your vey black tunnel as an encouragement to keep moving through it?

Or is it time for the darkness you have buried in your heart and in your mind to be brought to the surface so you can deal with it? Or at the very least you can face it and find the best way to deal with it.

White moonstone will help with this because it has a nurturing and supportive energy. It also helps you connect with your intuition, which is incredibly useful when you are doing something like this. So get a piece, sit with it, and attune to its energy, letting it soothe and balance you, taking you into a space where you can start the work you need to do.

But black moonstone is equally helpful and is so useful for anyone who is afraid of their darkness, or fearful of what they might discover if they look deeply inside themselves. It is good for people who have buried their darkness deep inside them, ignoring it so they can focus on finding the light instead. It is always nice to find ways to shine, but you need to remember that you can only use that as a denial mechanism for so long before you are forced to leave the light and stare with an open mind and an open heart into the dark. And black moonstone will help because not only does it allow you to see the darkness, it also brings the two parts of you – the light and the dark – into balance.

After all, without darkness how would you even see the light? You wouldn’t even know you had it!

So, have a feel around all this information and see if you need to go on an adventure and discover how much darkness and how much light you have inside you.

You will always have both and, if you need a little help along the way – the flashes of iridescence in rainbow moonstone will connect you to the flash of intuition need to help you decide the best way to move forward. It will help you see the next step you need to take on your spiritual journey.

And it is always worth remembering that moonstone is the stone of new beginnings, so what ever you find as you look within will take you somewhere … new! And it is perfect for this kind of work because it supports inner growth and provides strength while you do it. In fact, it is just perfect!

So go and find some and begin your journey right now!

Bright Blessings!



Amethyst Gazing

At the moment one of the best things you can do is to offer your physical body as much love and support as you possibly can. So below is a meditation which will allow you to do this, and it works really well for two important reasons:

  • The frequency of the colour violet held inside the amethyst, depresses the motor functions of the brain just a little which is why it is one of the best meditation crystals. It won’t immobilize you, of course, but it will help you attain and maintain stillness, and this in turn will help your body rest and relax more easily.
  • The sound will vibrate through your body, helping it rest and relax in a different way.

So, find an amethyst that wants to help you do all this, cleanse it, and just go for it!

Crystal and Sound Meditation

  • Relax and focus on your breath, setting the intention that you want to breathe out anything that your body does not need any more. If you are aware of something specific like tension, pain, or stress, add this to your intention and it will enhance the result you get. Then just keep breathing out until you become aware of your body’s response. It will relax… if you let it.
  • Now ground firmly and spend a few moments with your body, silently telling it you have put aside this time to offer what help and support you can with your crystal and your sound.
  • Now before you start working, set the clear intention that you want to use the energy from your amethyst and the vibrations from your sound to clear any negativity you are ready and willing to release at this time.
  • Now gaze at your amethyst, taking in every detail – its colour, its shape, the way the light affects it, the vibration that radiates from it in all directions. Become fully aware of it on every level and, when you are ready, close your eyes and see or sense it inside your head. The best place is right in the middle of your head between the two hemispheres of your brain.
  • See or sense the crystal glowing, quietly radiating its calm energy outwards until it fills the whole of your head. Then let it flow down into the rest of your body. Let the lovely violet light fill every part of you and use your breath to release anything it has disrupted, so the negativity can flow gently out of your physical body, allowing it to relax even more.
  • Now set the intention that you want the sound you are going to make for the next part of the exercise to resonate in the heart of your crystal in the centre of your head. The sound that is usually recommended is OM, but if you are drawn to something else or your body asks for something else, go with that. This is your co-creation with your sound, your crystal, and your body… no one else’s!
  • Now take a breath and make your sound and allow yourself to become aware of the way it is resonating in the heart of your crystal. It is adding to the calming vibration that is already coming out of your crystal and when the crystal becomes full of your sound, a new combined frequency will start to flow out of it to fill your head and then it will flow down to fill the rest of your body. And all you have to do it keep toning the sound you have chosen to work and send it to the etheric crystal in the middle of your head until your body tells you to stop.
  • Just sit in the sonic field you are creating and allow yourself to experience all the vibrations resonating inside it. See or sense the way they are helping your body, clearing it, soothing it, re-calibrating it and, be open to receive a message from your body at any time. It may want another sound after a while. Or it may want you to make the sound silently instead of out loud. Just go wherever the meditation takes you.
  • If you are drawn to the space between your eyebrows and you feel the combined frequency of your sound and your crystal is opening the brow chakra, place your attention there because one of the gifts of amethyst is that it allows you to connect with your deep inner wisdom. If you feel drawn to do this, take this opportunity and rest your awareness in the chakra while you continue to make your sound. You may find you get an answer to a problem you have been trying to solve or you may find your awareness is drawn up to a higher aspect of yourself. If this part of you has a message for you, just listen with an open mind and an open heart and thank them for their help after you have received the information they have for you.
  • When you eventually feel guided to stop, let your sound fade into silence, thank the etheric amethyst inside your head, thank the physical amethyst in front of you and, finally, earth any excess energy that is floating around your body, letting it flow through you, down your legs and into the earth.
  • Now ground firmly and return your awareness to your surroundings.

I hope you and your crystal all have a grand adventure together and your body feels much better afterwards.

Bright blessings!



Need Help Relaxing?

Keeping things simple is the best thing to do, especially when everything is complicated, and chaos seems to be lurking everywhere. So a quick and easy way to relax is to allow your crystals to help you.

Below is a simple layout and all you have to do is place the crystals, ask them to help you release any stress and tension that you are holding in any part of your Four Body System and you are good to go.

Usually about 15-20 minutes will be all you need, but feel free to lay down for longer if you need to. It will feel great!

You will need one amethyst, two green aventurines and two rose quartz.

Brow Chakra – amethyst

Heart Chakra – make a cross formation using your two Green aventurines and two rose quartz in the centre of your chest.

Your intention for your crystals is for the amethyst to calm your mind and your heart stones to calm and soothe your heart space. However, since rose quartz can be challenging sometimes, you can use any green or pink stones you are drawn to if you do not want to use it. A good alternative is unakite because it is pink and green and represents the heart chakra in balance. I always recommend it if someone wants to work with this energy centre.

But you will be co-creating your relaxing space with your crystals when you use this layout, so just trust you will know which ones to use and go for it.

Bright Blessings!



Too Many Thoughts Inside your Head?

If you are all over the place after the supermoon at the weekend, here is a crystal tip to help you pull any excess energy out of your head. If it’s been whizzing round and round as it has for most people, if nothing else, it will be a huge relief to get rid of it! The crystals will initiate a flow to draw the energy away from your head and then they will ground it.

It is really easy and all you have to do is lay down and relax with the crystals placed on your body for 15-20 minutes.

You will need an amethyst, a lapis lazuli and a smokey quartz and the placement is as shown below:

Amethyst – Brow Chakra

Lapis Lazuli – Throat Chakra

Smokey Quartz – Base Chakra.

All you need to do is lay down, place the crystals on the three chakras and set your intention, which is for all your lovely stones to draw any excess mental energy out of your head, grounding it effortlessly through your base chakra.

Then, if you want to discover why you had so many thoughts or what caused them in the first place, after you have used this simple layout to calm your mind and lower your vibrational rate, put the amethyst and smokey quartz to one side, clean your piece of lapis lazuli and put it on your brow chakra.

The key word for this crystal is self-knowledge, so meditating with it on the brow chakra, with a clear intention of learning something about yourself is always immensely useful, not to mention startlingly effective. Lapis doesn’t take any prisoners when it is used this way, but, if like me, you really want to know what’s going on, so you have a chance to change it …  well, just go for it!

But, if it is uncomfortable or you get anxious while you are working… always remember that this is your journey, and you can do it at your own pace. Just stop and try again another time. It’s not a failure. All you have to do is change your point of view and see the exercise as shifting the first layer of the blockage you are looking for, so it will be easier to reach the next one when you sit with the crystal again.

And, when you have finished working, please don’t forget to thank all your crystals for their help.

Bright Blessings!
