As such a ridiculous amount of stuff is coming up to be released at the moment, especially since we are right in the middle of working with Saturn and Pluto – structure, stability and karma, together with the deep unconscious…. how lovely for us all!

But, these two planets together means that it will probably be really, really old stuff, that we’ve been trying to ignore!! And, there is a good chance that we will also have done our very best to avoid dealing with it for years and years. But, since it has to go eventually, why not make it a little easier, by working with some crystals to enhance the release process and keep you in a safe, secure space while you are getting rid of all your rubbish?

Some of the things coming up will be memories, so if any unpleasant or painful ones are plaguing you, set aside some time to let them go. All you will need is two pieces of rose quartz and a hematite.

First set a very clear intention to release with ease and grace any memories which are keeping you connected to past experiences, people, places, especially ones that no longer serve your highest and greatest good. Then, place a hematite between your feet to keep you safe, secure and grounded and hold a rose quartz in each hand, focussing on your breath until you are in a nice relaxed state.

Then just ask for any memories that you are ready to release at the time you are working to come to the surface of your mind and add another intention to breathe them out, letting them float away on your outbreath, along with all the painful and negative energy that is associated with them. Just keep breathing until you feel the release is complete and, if you want to, you can move on to the next memory straight away. Or wait and do it later. It’s whatever suits you!

Although, this is one of the standard release exercises, if you feel the memory you want to clear might be a bit difficult to deal with, swap the rose quartz in each hand for lepidolite. This is known as the Stone of Acceptance, so it will help you come to terms with any thoughts and feelings that come up if they are likely to upset you. Also, since lepidolite has a high lithium content, it is perfect to help you deal with any form of stressful reaction. So, this lovely stone will keep you nice and calm and peaceful while you are working. You may find it is better than the rose quartz. Try both and see what is best for you!

Another thing which may come up is uncomfortable feelings. If they fill your mind at any point, you can use clear quartz, rose quartz or amethyst to clear them. Hold one of the stones… or indeed all of them, if this appeals to you … close to your heart chakra and set the intention to breathe out the negativity and breathe into your heart the high frequency vibrations emitted by the quartz.

Or, if you fancy something a bit different, make a circle using these three stones, alternating them as you go round, and sit inside the circle while you breathe up the energy from all those crystals. This will increase the amount you are able to release in one go and, if you want to hold some additional stones close to your heart while you are working, this is absolutely fine as well. The more comfortable you are while you work, the less likely you are to resist the release process, and you will be able to let go of a lot more negativity.

If you find you have any anger coming up for release, it always best to calm yourself before you let it go. A quick and easy way to do this is to hold a piece of blue lace agate and take a whole series of slow, deep breaths with the intention of allowing the intense emotion to float away on your breath. You can also allow the excess energy you have generated by experiencing this emotion to earth through your feet and flow safely into the ground. It will take about 5 minutes to calm down and then you can choose one of the other release exercises to get rid of the memories associated with the feeling.

Of course, there are many, many different ways to release negativity with crystals… and, any other kind of vibrational therapy also works.

Reiki is good, especially if you use symbols, working with helpers and guides is great because they will keep you safe and secure while you work and they support you if things become difficult; and sound is absolutely excellent. You can even do something as simple as colour breathing. You set the intention to breathe out your negativity and breathe in the colour you want to replace it.

All you really have to do is find what works best for you and run with it.

My advice – try absolutely everything because it is all good and you will always feel better afterwards!

Bright Blessings!






Crystal Tips for the Throat Chakra

I intended to do crystal tips for the throat ages ago because the throat is highlighted for the whole of 2019. Now the year is almost half gone, so I thought I’d better find a few tips for clearing throat chakra issues before the year disappears completely. Things may be coming up now because we have the combined (and very powerful) energy of Saturn and Pluto working together to bring about a massive clearing of all our systems – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Absolutely nothing is exempt!

To clear a blocked throat chakra – place a sodalite on each side of the throat and use lapis lazuli on the chakra to cleanse it. Keep the crystals in place for as long as you feel you need to. Or you can simply use a Lapis on the throat on its own. It will still work… just a little differently without the sodalite. You’ll know what is best for you!

Layout to help the throat – Keep the crystals in place for as long as you feel you need to.

  • Single terminated clear quartz at the brow chakra – point upwards
  • lapis lazuli at the throat
  • smoky quartz at the solar plexus

To strengthen your voice – use carnelian at the throat chakra and if possible wear it as a necklace so the energy is available continually to clear the vortex.

Another useful stone to work with is chrysocolla. This stone brings the throat and heart chakras into balance because it carries both the blue and green rays. Its key phrase is sacred sound and it is the expression of the heart through the throat. So, this makes it an enormously powerful stone for any kind of clearing work. You can use it on each chakra individually, or if you have two pieces, use it on both chakras at the same time.

Also, always remember that the throat chakra is more than just the chakra of verbal communication, it is a channel for the expression of all the energy you hold in your entire system – chakras, the aura and the subtle bodies. It acts as a pathway for all the things you think and feel to come up and out. Both negative and positive energy will pass up and down your chakra system, ending up at the throat, and it will just stay there until you release it… in many ways, of course.

It’s never just about speaking. The throat chakra is about full self-expression, and that can come in any form e.g. if you are musical, it will clear through when you sing or write or listen to music. Don’t ever let yourself be limited by the idea that this work is only about the voice. If you are a caring person, and caring is important part of who you truly are at a fundamental level, you won’t always be expressing this particular aspect of yourself with your voice. You won’t be speaking about it. You will be getting on and doing it, won’t you?

You need to allow yourself to become aware of every part of you and how this needs to find some kind of expression in your life. There are many aspects of the real authentic you which do not need the voice and it’s about discovering new ways to show the world who you really are and what you are truly capable of… and this chakra is all about being unafraid to do that….. in every conceivable way!! So, if anything is stuck in that throat chakra, you need to clear it, so more of you can come out to play!

To help you do this, you can either work with the crystals shown above or use any blue crystal that appeals to you because that is the frequency held in your chakra system by the throat. And, use your crystals with the very clear intention that you want to find new and exciting ways to communicate – and that is communicate with yourself, communicate others, communicate your ideas and beliefs, communicate on a deep emotional level by finding safe and appropriate ways to express how you feel more clearly.

And, if you feel you need to be in a calm space before you can even think of doing any of this – work with aquamarine. It emits the frequency of peace, so it will help you remain calm while you work your way through all the blockages that come up. Its energy will also help you release the negativity in a gentle way rather than a traumatic way. It is a beautiful stone. It is also a stone associated with water, so it will initiate flow, especially within your emotions, and enhance the whole clearing process.

Lastly, one stone which works well with the throat is turquoise, mainly because the key word associated with it is wholeness. And, since the throat chakra is the way we express every single part of us, well, this is just the perfect energy to place in this charka. You can meditate with it to become aware of:

  • blockages in the throat
  • blockages elsewhere in the chakra system or the subtle bodies that are affecting the throat
  • things you need to change in the way you communicate
  • ways you limit your self-expression
  • ways you can bring the quality of wholeness into your life
  • ways to communicate more easily and freely

Of course, those bullet points are only the beginning. Everyone needs to become whole in their own unique way. But, they may give you a few ideas that you can work with on your own journey towards wholeness. It’s the same journey all of us are one… every single day of our lives.

Bright Blessings!







Quan Yin – Unconditional Love

Aphrodite – Self-Love

Sekhmet – Power

Brigid – Healing and Creativity

Oya – Change, Strength, Authority, Courage, Truth, Protection

Well, there’s a question! If I am completely honest, I was completely and utterly convinced that I would never EVER start working with any goddess, let alone willingly invite their energy into my life. It was just one step too far for someone with a science based view of the world.

I mean I could understand the way healing energy worked. I could certainly appreciate the way crystals and sound worked, but everything else like goddesses, ancestors, angelics… well, that was what other wacky New Age people believed, not me! Well, as it turned out, I was really just as wacky and I hadn’t even noticed!

So, in case you are like I was all those years ago and you need a little encouragement to start doing something way out of your comfort zone, here’s a chakra exercise to help you start your journey with these aspects of the Divine Mother.

If you can’t decide which goddess to work with by choosing one of the words shown on the list above, here’s what their energy feels like…

Quan Yin – is like the very best mother you would ever want. She is loving and kind and compassionate and she will always be there to help you when you need it the most. When you work with her it feels like being held in the arms of someone who loves you very much.

Aphrodite – is not for the faint-hearted because she will challenge you. She will make you look at yourself and find all the ways you do not love yourself. She will also make you acknowledge the fact that you really don’t think very highly of yourself at all. She will show you how you value others, but do not value yourself in the same way. This can be a little shocking at first, but if you persevere, she will change your life in amazing ways, not to mention change your attitude to yourself. She will continue, sometimes relentlessly, until you do truly love yourself.

Brigid – is simply lovely. I could write pages and pages on this goddess. She just arrived at a workshop I was running and never left. She comes with many gifts for you, including Brigid’s Flame (You’ll find a way to work with this on She will undoubtedly bring great healing into your life, but not always in the way you expect it!

Sekhmet – is one of my favourite aspects of the Divine Mother. I probably do more work with her than all the others put together and I see such amazing results from people who come to classes and workshops. I just love it. She moves people forward so fast it is quite astonishing to watch! She helps you connect with your unbridled authenticity, and that is such a marvellous phrase… an unbridled horse just runs and runs without anyone to stop it, and Sekhmet teaches you to do the same. She shows you how to be completely free and she does it by connecting you on a very deep level to your Authentic Self, your will and, most importantly, your personal power.

Oya – is a goddess who should probably come with a warning really because change is inevitable when you work with her; and, if you have never worked with a goddess before, I would recommend that you choose one of the others for your first experience of this kind of energy. Oya is a marvellous to work with, though. But, because she works with the energies found in nature and with extreme versions of them … like wind as tornado and water as flood … she brings change fast, and in very real, tangible and powerful ways! And, you can’t stop the process any more than you can stop a flood or tornado! You get the picture! So, you seriously need to want to bring transformation into life in a massive way to work with this great goddess!

So, do whatever you usually do to make an intuitive choice about the best goddess to work with and then set a very clear intention for what you want to achieve while you run the energy of your choice through your chakra system. It is always very good at removing blockages associated with what the goddess does i.e. Aphrodite will clear anything lodged in the chakras associated with lack of self-love, Sekhmet will do the same for anything associated with power issues, Quan Yin will clear anything related to the inability to give and receive love in an appropriate way. You get the idea!

  • Relax and focus on your breath.
  • Ground FIRMLY.
  • Ask your goddess to join you, thank her for coming and take a moment to attune to her energy, allowing your vibrational rate to rise to match hers.
  • Now set the intention for your breath work – with the in breath you draw the goddess’s energy in to your solar plexus and on the out breath you release any negative energy it has cleared from where ever you are working in the chakra system. The goddess will usually send her energy from her palms, but just be open to receive it in whatever way it manifests around you.
  • Now begin breathing into your solar plexus and continue for as long as you need to and until you feel the chakra has been fully cleansed.
  • Now breathe in through the solar plexus and up through the central channel to the heart chakra and continue until the heart has been cleared.
  • Now breathe in through the solar plexus and send the energy up to the throat chakra until the throat has been cleared.
  • Now breathe in through the solar plexus and send the energy up to the brow chakra until the brow has been cleared.
  • Now breathe in through the solar plexus and send the energy up to the crown chakra until the crown has been cleared.
  • Now take your awareness to your heart chakra and breathe the energy of your goddess in here until your heart is full of the love this goddess has for you, until your heart is simply over flowing with love and rest in this energy for as long as you want.
  • Now earth any excess energy in your system, letting it flow down through your body and out through your feet chakras.
  • Now ask your goddess to stabilise your vibrational rate at the most appropriate level for you at this time and let your system settle.
  • Thank your goddess, ground firmly and return your attention to the room.

This is such a simply exercise, you can use it for anything really. It is not limited to goddess. You can use colours, healing energies like Reiki or Mahatma, Reiki symbols, angelic light, planetary rays. As, always, the choice is yours! But, whatever you decide to do, it will always raise your vibrational rate as you interact with the energy and let it clear any blockages you currently have in your chakra system.

And, it is not limited to the list of goddesses at the beginning of the blog either. If you have a favourite one, go with her! This is your journey, not mine. I only listed a few of the ones that I like. You are welcome to choose another one!

So, if you’ve never tried goddess energy before, go for it! You’ll love it. I do, despite being unbelievably  reluctant to invite any aspect of the Divine Mother into my life. She got me in the end… well and truly, actually!

Have fun!

Bright Blessings!
