Lion’s Gate – Are You Ready?

8/8 is called The Lion’s Gate because the Sun enters the constellation of Leo at this time of year. There is lots and lots written about this particular portal because it is powerful. It coincides with the heliacal rising of Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, and Sirius is so important because it is considered to be the spiritual sun for this part of the galaxy. So the blue light it emits is extremely potent for anyone who is currently on an ascension journey and the Light Code downloads which also occur at this time of year are also designed to push you straight out of your comfort zone and move you onwards and upwards – quite literally as far as your vibrational rate is concerned!

This high frequency light… in all its forms during this busy period (starting on 26th July – peaking on 8th August – closing at the end of August) is designed to re-calibrate the whole of your Four Body System… as long as you allow it, of course… and when it is embodied in your energy system it will then allow you to access much higher levels of awareness.

But, please be aware that this is an extremely powerful portal (or stargate) and the incoming energy is profound. Also, if you align with it rather than resist it, it will provide you with an astonishing and remarkable opportunity to grow. It is designed to make you expand.

The only word that can really be used to describe this whole period is intense – to the point where everything can feel more than a little bizarre if you are a very sensitive individual. All you can do is hang in there… and make sure you ask for help if you need it. You all have teams of helpers and guides who stand ready to assist you, but you do actually have to ask them!

My advice – ask right now for help and support over the whole period! And, ask for whatever if for your highest and greatest good. Also, make sure you ask your helpers and guides to align you with any incoming energy whenever it appears and re-calibrate the whole of your Four Body System after each light download. There’s going to be more than one!! That way you will feel a lot more comfortable over this highly energetic period.

You may also find that anything attached to your old 3D consciousness could come up for review – old thought and behaviour patterns and many, many memories brought up by the energy of the eclipse last week. It will be difficult to deal with if you find you have an attachment to the old emotional energies, but just look at the things that come up for you and try and move into detachment and non-judgement. These are two very powerful states that will allow you to examine everything without reconnecting, and they will enable you to release anything which is outdated and no longer resonates with you – on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Release whatever you can, so the spaces taken by the negative energy in your system can be filled with something more beneficial and certainly something of a much, much higher vibration. And remember, the more you clear, the more space you have for the high frequency light that will be available to all on the earthplane at this time.

On way of clearing your system is to work with Lady Nada and the Eighth Planetary Ray. There is a blog with cleansing meditations –

Three crystals you can use during this period to help you to download, the incoming energy, integrate it and re-calibrate afterwards are…

Lithium Quartz – This high vibrational stone will help all three stages of this process and it is particularly helpful if you use it on the brow chakra. In some cases – if you are visually oriented – you may even see the Light Codes when working with the stone here, which is nice! Not that it works for me because I sense things, but many people have been able to describe the codes if they function another way. But, basically, while the lithium quartz raises your vibration, taking it up to a level where download and integration is a lot more comfortable, it will also keep you nice and calm during the whole process. Also, some of the minerals in lithium quartz have a very grounding and balancing effect on your energy system, so they help to anchor the Light Codes into your system. This is enormously useful!

Kyanite – because this stone is striated the groves act as a channel for the incoming energy – how amazing is that! I love it! Just put your kyanite at your crown and let it work! It also helps you to ease into a meditative state, which will enhance the download process. And, additionally to all this is clears low vibrational energy from your system and clears and aligns the chakras – all of which makes integrating this new energy much, much easier.

Rutilated Quartz – would be my choice for working with all this new energy. It is one of the very best stones to integrate energy at any level – physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. Also one of its key qualities is attunement and being attuned by the crystal to any incoming energy makes it much easier for you to embody it. And, as well as helping with the whole download process, the crystal also contains cosmic light and it a powerful tool for promoting spiritual growth of any kind – not just acceleration from Light Code downloads. It will help you work with releasing any negative energy you may have in your system before you download anything as well. It simply dissolves it, due to its high vibrational rate. The other huge advantage to using rutilated quartz is that as it clears negativity it supports your energy field during any emotional releases, keeping you in a nice, safe space while it continues the clearing process and clears your aura of any rubbish that might be accumulating there.

And, last, but not least – on a physical level – using rutilated quartz is good at the moment because it helps with exhaustion and energy depletion. Any big energy shifts will make you feel extremely tired, so this particular variety of quartz will help you deal with any debilitating symptoms.

At the end of the day – this is your journey and the way you interact with any of this incoming energy will depend on where you are on that journey and the choices you make before you allow the Light or the Light Codes into your Four Body System. Choose wisely!

But, one thing you should consider doing on a regular basis, besides grounding, because you need to be stable to allow more and more energy into your system. Make sure you earth any excess energy. They are two completely different things.

Bright Blessings!



Crystal Tip for July

Amazonite – what a stone! And it is particularly useful for us at the moment because one of the main things it does is to help you discover what your personal truth is. It then aligns you with all aspects of this very personal truth and then helps you express it. It is one of the best things you can use to find your Authentic Self.

Of course, some people find truth is difficult. It is not always an easy thing to come to terms with… on so many levels. But at the end of the day, we have to be true to ourselves otherwise… well, what is the point? We can’t live someone else’s truth, though many of us have tried… and failed! It’s a completely ridiculous idea really, and using amazonite on a regular basis will help release what someone else thinks is true for you and find out what is really true for you. It will help you clarify what particular truth resonates with you.

Also by using amazonite, the stone will actively support when you need to speak your highest truth. It will enable you to communicate your thoughts and feelings both harmoniously and truthfully and it is extremely helpful if you find it difficult to tell the truth. It allows you to move beyond the fear of being judged for what you want to say or do as well as the fear of causing a confrontation and it helps you find new and, often exciting way to express yourself – on all levels.

It also enhances your ability to communicate more effectively by allowing you to really see how the words you use on a regular basis have created your current personal reality, and after your sudden realisation of what you have been doing, it will show you how to change what you say to get what you really want.

A good example would be if you always talk about what you want in the future tense. It fools you in to thinking you are going to manifest the thing because you are constantly talking about it and thinking about it. But, unless you start talking in the present tense and bringing it into your reality in the NOW with your words, it is never going to happen. Future tense puts it firmly in the future and unless you have a handy time travel device, you can never actually be in the future. You can only exist in the present so speaking solely in the future tense will never allow anything to manifest in the present… unless you change what you say!

Amazonite does most of its real work in the throat and heart chakras (including the higher heart or thymus chakra) and this is why it allows you to express what is in your heart – usually with great honestly to yourself and others. Placing the stone on these chakras will help you enormously, especially if you have two stones and can do them both together. If not, one at a time is fine!

Amazonite is also a very calming stone, so if there is any anxiety around speaking your truth, it will help diffuse this and allow you to deal with the anxiety. One of its many benefits is that it helps you to remain calm and unemotional.

You can use it with lots of other stones to enhance communication, but I would recommend chrysocolla above all of them. The key phrase for this stone is sacred sound and it carries the blue and the green ray, allowing for enhanced expression of the heart through the throat. They work incredibly well together.

Apart from mediating all the usual ways with amazonite, one easy way to expose yourself to its beneficial vibrational rate for long periods of time is to build a simple grid and leave it running. All you need is one amazonite and some clear quartz points – the minimum is four but you can use as many as you like really. You’ll know what’s best for you when you build your grid.

Clean all the stones and place the amazonite in the centre and then place the quartz – point out – around it. Then ask the quartz to absorb the vibrations from the amazonite, hold them within its crystalline matrix and amply them. And, finally, release them into the environment, filling the room where you have built your grid with the energy of amazonite. And, you will have the added bonus of the clear quartz energy as well! Always helpful as the key words for this stone are – clarity and power. These are seriously useful qualities if you want to be courageous and speak your truth.

The only other thing you need to do before you build your grid is to decide what you want to do with the energy. As the stone being amplified by the quartz is amazonite you have two options. But as clear intentions always get clear results, I would only use one of these at a time:

  • Learning what your personal truth is and learning to express it harmoniously without any kind of anxiety and fear
  • Using the energy for stress relief, allowing it to soothe emotions and bring calmness and peacefulness to the room where the grid is.

Another way to use the grid (or a single amazonite) is to simply gaze at the stone and ask for the energy it is emitting to dissolve any negativity in your Four Body System. But because the stone works particularly well with the emotional body and it soothes the emotions, pay particular attention to what comes up in these two areas and use the energy to disperse anything you find.

All you have to do really is sit with the stone and allow it to help you. It will empower you as you search for all aspects of your Authentic Self and give you the courage to keep doing it because it is not always easy being truthful with yourself.

Another totally different thing amazonite does which is extremely useful – it will block geopathic stress, and, fabulously, it will absorb microwaves and cell phone emanations, and protect against EM pollution. Place it near computers and other electronics, or carry it if you use your phone a lot during the day. But, always, PLEASE, cleanse the crystal every night. It doesn’t like having its matrix cram packed with all that rubbish. It will do a marvellous job of saving you from all those horrible vibrations, so you need to be mindful and look after it… and always be grateful!

So, if you don’t have a piece of amazonite… go and get some!

Oh, and you can use the simple grid structure with any stone in the middle. It’s just a basic design, and the quartz will still amply the vibration, filling the room with the energy where ever you have placed the stones.

Bright Blessings!




A lot has been written about this powerful variation of quartz, so feel free to check out all the details if you want to. But with the massive energy shifts due this month, I want to focus on what it can do for you to help you get through them and come out ready to work with the energy of Lions Gate on 8th August.

I would definitely be using the stone before the 25th – the Mayan Day Out of Time. The energy associated with this day is always the energy of letting go, so if I were you, I’d start the release process now, so there is less to let go of on the day itself. It’s always easier!

The qualities of citrine are personal power, self-confidence, responsibility and will power, which is why it resonates with the both sacral and solar plexus chakras. It helps you to become aware of who you really are on all levels and it also encourages you to become that person, to embody your true, Authentic Self.

Of course, any yellow stone will be helpful at the solar plexus chakra, but the joy of using citrine is that it does not hold or accumulate negative energy. It transmutes it and grounds it. It will, continually, take any negativity you generate and turn it into positive energy. It is a massively useful and efficient stone…. and, really, everyone ought to have one!

It works on both physical and energetic levels, transforming negative energy in any form – thoughts, feelings and behaviour patterns – into positive ones, seeking them out relentlessly where ever we have carefully buried them in the Four Body system. It is also particularly useful to help you achieve self-empowerment and for allowing you to reach a state where you have a really, really healthy self-esteem. How good it that?

The best way to work with citrine on your solar plexus chakra is just to place it there for fifteen minutes and ask it to help you see what energy you have stuck in this part of your chakra system. Then ask the crystal to clear it.

It really is that simple, though if you have lots of separate issues lodged in this chakra, it might be best to do fifteen minutes for each thing to ensure everything is completely cleared.  The citrine is completely capable of just clearing the chakra of everything, but what is the point? If you do not take the time to learn what you are doing to generate negativity in this area by asking to be shown this information, you will just re-generate it and have to do the exercise all over again. It is always best to go to the root cause rather than just deal with the symptom – which is presenting as the blockage.

And, while you are working with the solar plexus chakra, it is also useful to use the citrine to clear the sacral. After all, how can you expect to be empowered and self-confident if you have no self-worth or self-love in the lower chakra? Sometimes it’s even best to start at the sacral before you move on to the solar plexus. Just tune in and see what is right for you. You’ll always know!

It can also be used at the heart to clear out any emotional rubbish you have stored there. Just sit with it for the fifteen minutes, holding whatever intention is best for you while you are working with the stone. Also at this chakra, the energy of citrine will help you learn to accept joy into your life, which is a fabulous thing! Who wouldn’t want to take fifteen minutes out of their busy life to do that? And, if you find you won’t do this… well, maybe it’s seriously time to start asking yourself why….

At the brow it will clear both your inner and outer vision, allowing you to see clearly on all levels. It is particularly helpful here. It will also clear the crown and you will probably find it helpful to work with both these chakras together.

Lastly, since we are all exhausted quite a lot of the time at the moment, citrine can be used at the base chakra to boost both the energy levels of the chakra and the physical body. It’s the same fifteen minutes and all you have to do is sit with stone in the chakra and hold the intention of breathing all the lovely citrine energy in to the  chakra and breathing out any negativity you may have stored there.

You can also use the stone on the adrenals and the thyroid, if you are really tired. Personally, I would also use it on the kidneys to replenish the chi the body stores in that part of the body. It will be your intention that does all these things. Make it very clear so the energy reaches the right place and does the right thing.

When you are specifically using citrine on the solar plexus, it will help you access deeper levels of your personal power and will power, it will increase your self-respect and it will help make a deeper connection to the brow chakra – when used with this intention.

You can start by checking the energy levels of the chakra and if it feels over energised – use a citrine point, and place the stone on the chakra with the point going down to the base. Your intention will be to earth any excess energy in the chakra.

If it feels under energised, place a tumblestone in the chakra and ask for the crystal to clear it and re-energise it.

If it feels as if you have loads of negative energy stuck in the chakra, use a tumblestone in the chakra and your intention will be for the stone to clear it.

Another way to work with citrine is to lie down and place the crystal at your crown and see or sense the crystalline energy radiating out of the stone, flowing down to the crown chakra. It will automatically flow into the central channel from this point.

Let this happen and set the intention that once the central channel is full of the citrine energy. it slowly radiates out into all the chakras, clearing them. Then, when you feel the chakra system is cleansed and balanced by this energy, set the intention that you want the citrine energy to radiate out from the central channel into the physical body, the etheric body, the emotional body and the mental body, cleansing them as well.

Another meditation you can use to work with citrine energy combines visualisation with physical stones. You visualise a sphere of citrine energy at your crown, letting the energy spread out to fill your aura and cleanse it.

You also place a citrine stone on your brow and sacral chakras, letting the energy cleanse the chakras for a few moments and when you have fully attuned to these three sources of quartz energy, visualise a beam of golden light flowing from the sphere above your head, going down and connecting the brow chakra to the sacral. The brow is the higher octave of the sacral, so they are connected any way. This deepens the connection.

You will find that using citrine this way is particularly helpful of you are having trouble concentrating, struggling with low self-esteem  or if you are feeling overwhelmed by worries and responsibilities. It will, without a doubt, if done regularly, also improve your self-confidence.

Lastly, the energy of citrine is really helpful for anyone who is sensitive and or who has a tendency to be overwhelmed by outside influences. If you wear or carry the stone, it will increase the amount of light you hold in your aura and your subtle bodies, making it harder for low vibrational frequencies to take hold in your system.

All in all, it is a wonderful stone, so I’d be rushing out to buy some right now if you don’t have any!

Bright Blessings!





Muriel – Angel of Emotions


Crystals: aquamarine, moonstone, aventurine, emerald and amber.


Essential Oils: peppermint, bergamot, lavender and geranium.

I was going to write about this lovely angel last month because she is, among many wonderful things, the Angel of June, but I ran out of month!

Still, thinking about it, Muriel is the perfect angel to turn to for help and support this month, given how energetically volatile it is going to be. She helps you grow, flourish and prosper in difficult times. Quite frankly – that is exactly what we need this month and Muriel is perfect for everyone one of us!

I have a feeling the most useful thing she will be able to do for all of us is to lend help and support when emotions start rising to the surface for clearing this month – as trust me, they will! Muriel works with deeply buried emotions and, with her support, you will find it much easier to release long-standing emotional blockages – once and for all, unless, of course, you are foolish enough to drag the situations that caused the problems back and generate the blockage all over again yourself. We are all quite good at that!

But, that said, as you work with Muriel, she will help you understand if the emotional energy you are experiencing is yours, or if it belongs to someone else and you do not need to carry it. It is information you can always use to make your clearing process more effective.

Her greatest gift to you – besides bringing peace and harmony into your life when you start to spend time with her – is that she opens your heart, allowing you to experience Divine Unconditional Love on a very deep level. I know all angelics do this really. How could they not when they love us so much? But while you are with Muriel, you will learn how to embody the energy as well, making it far more real, and far more permanent. It will be embedded into your energy system.

Also, as Muriel helps you to open your heart, she will show you how to act with an open heart, without expecting anything in return, so any blessings that come back to you will be multiplied.

And, another benefit of opening you heart with Muriel is that she will help you learn to trust the wisdom of your heart and access the intuitive guidance of your soul on a whole new level.

But, one of the most important things she will teach you is that your only responsibility is to yourself. You are not responsible for anyone else. You are here to embody your Authentic Self and to hold the energy of wholeness as you progress on your healing journey, so it is available to all on the earthplane. This is your blessing. You will become an anchor for this energy and it will help everyone else who is striving to achieve it…. without doing anything at all for them. They are on their journey and they, like you, have to do it themselves.

There are, of course, many other things that Muriel does and, if you are interested, do look them up. But these are the things that you will find most useful this month, given how many energy shifts we have coming our way – an eclipse, the Mayan Day Out of Time and the rising of Sirius at Planetary New Year… all of these are opportunities for letting going of enormous amounts of rubbish and Muriel is the angelic who can help you do this at a very, very profound level.

And, after you have released as much as you possibly can by working with her, she will also help you if you are ready to open up intuitively to the next level. And, if you are a sensitive, you can do this without fear of becoming over-sensitive. Muriel works with empaths! How perfect is that?

So do spend some time with Muriel and let her fill your heart with love and kindness and compassion – firstly for yourself, of course, so you can embody these qualities before you can bless everyone else with them!  And let her inspire you to see the whole of the world through that newly opened heart. It will change the way you see the world forever and allow you see how truly blessed you are. Sometimes we are just foolish and we don’t even notice!

May Muriel bless you on all levels – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual!

Bright Blessings
