Yes – just when we thought we were safe after the eclipse and we could have a nice quiet time until at least the 9/9 portal …. no.. it seems there is a 1/1 portal on 1st September just waiting to give us yet another shunt.


It is the energy that begins all actions and leads the way to all new directions in our lives and it brings a need to open up to the new in all ways.

So why the 1st September when the date is very clearly 1/9 when you write is with numbers….

The Year:  2+0+1+7 + 10         1+0 = 1

The Month: 1/9         1+0 = 1

So there’s it – a double 1 portal. Thank you Universe…

One is the number that all other numbers come from so it resonates and gifts us with the vibrational energy of lots of different qualities – new beginnings, creation, independence, uniqueness, motivation, striving forward and progress, ambition and will power, and positivity. It also holds the vibrations of pioneering, raw energy, force, activity, self-leadership and assertiveness, initiative, instinct and intuition.

Although that is an impressive list and is full of lots of things we would like to have… after such a long period of energetic shifts, ending with the huge shunt at the eclipse it may seem a bit much to take… straw camel’s back scenario… but it’s coming so all we can do is make the most of it and run with as much of the energy as we can on 1st September.

Other words which resonate with 1may seem too hard to deal at the moment when most of us are just way too tired to go to these places – achievement and success, strength and self-reliance, tenacity, independence, forcefulness and authority, and love.

Probably the most useful thing for us to connect with in the energy on 1st September is the ability to use personal resources because the energy of 1 will always make us step out of our comfort zone, and being able to use all our gifts and talents while we do this will be enormously helpful. So make sure you have a very clear intention on 1st to do this – on all levels.

The most crucial thing for us to understand while we are in the energy of this portal is that it holds the possibility of new beginningsdoubled.

It has been described as a portal of new energetic expression. So you need to think about what you would like as a new beginning and how that would be expressed on all levels in your life – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. This new beginnings energy will also make it very clear that you create your life and your reality with your thoughts, beliefs and actions, so to get a new beginning you will obviously need new thoughts, beliefs and actions. Time to accept this and allow change to come into your life so you can create newness rather than the same energy you have been generating… quite probably for years and years.

1:1 also has the handy ability to re-set past patterns. It does this by first showing us that the old way of life cannot be sustained on any level any more.

We all know this. The trouble is in some areas of our life we seem quite determined to hold on to things which hurt us or restrict us in some way. Time to let it all go and it will be easier if you set intentions and do some real work on 1st September. Look at your thought and behaviour patterns and really, really see which ones no longer help you or which ones restrict your ability to connect with your Authentic Self.

From a spiritual perspective, 1 is the number of creation (because all numbers come from it), so given that this is a 1:1 portal this is doubled, giving us loads of energy to create what we really want and not re-create what we’ve been stuck with sometimes for lifetimes. So please take a few moments to think about what you have and what you want and what you can use as a bridging mechanism to get there.

Crystals are always a useful tool, though you can use anything you like. But here are a few suggestions to get you started and then run with whatever feels right to you:

Moonstone is the crystal which is recommended the most for new beginnings. This is because it helps you to re-structure your life at all levels. Always handy!

Mookite represents new beginnings, new journeys and new creations which resonates perfectly with the energy of 1.

Howlite (and most other white stones) will help clear your mind. This makes the space you need for new thoughts and idea and these stones also clear away obstacles in your life.

Amazonite is really good for creating a fresh start. It helps you make positive life changes. It increases your faith in yourself and your own choices.

Tiger’s Eye boosts your self-confidence and helps you connect more fully to your personal power, so this stone will enable you to do the thing your fear the most – step straight out of your comfort zone!

Labradorite – is known as the stone of transition, so it will always help you get from where you are to where you want to be… as long as you actually do the work which enables you to get there, of course. It always supports personal transformation

Take this opportunity to resonate with the energy of creation and new beginnings and make the most of the 1:1 Portal

Bright Blessings Gailx







As we are surrounded by chaos everywhere we look, I’d like to share another technique from the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul which should help you. I like it and I am always impressed at how simple it is, how fast it works and how effective it is. All you have to do is try it and see if it resonates with you. He describes it as working with the essence of Peace.

Feels good just thinking that, doesn’t it?

So, what do you do?

First set your intention that you want to connect with the energy of peace and allow your physical body to experience it on a very deep level. Also I’ve found that it helps to actually telling your body this is what you are doing, consciously connecting while you do the exercise will enhance the experience and encourage your body to relax…. everywhere!

So, ask your body (or just tune in to your intuition) and see which wrist you are to start with. Then – where the hand ends and the wrist begins – you are going to touch the sides (or outer edges) of the wrist, very, very gently. No clamping the wrist and grasping it tightly. Place the thumb on one side and one or two fingers on the other side and then focus on your breath, taking in long, slow deep breaths.

Another addition I have made is to actually embody the energy of peace while breathing. That is to say repeat (silently or out loud) the words: I AM peace or I AM breathing in peace. You can also set the intention to breathe out anything which is blocking your experience of peace on all levels – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. This is a very basic exercise, so adapt it and make it work for you. Make it your own.

So, thank you Djwhal Khul and the lovely person who originally channelled this years ago. I looked everywhere for their name, but couldn’t find it after so much time. But blessings to them as well!

Bright Blessings Gailx




CLEARING YOUR MIND:  Lapis Lazuli is an astonishing stone and it can do many wonderful things, but with so much going on at the moment and so many energetic shifts happening, I would strongly recommend using it to clear your mind… if only to gain some relief from your thoughts, especially since they seem to be all over the place for most people at the moment.

So – to clear your mind – lie down and place one lapis on either side of your head and one at your crown chakra. Then, setting your intention to use the combined energy of all three stones, relax and breathe deeply and slowly for 15 minutes.

If you cannot lie down, you can work with lapis while sitting down. Hold the stone in your dominant hand, move the stone in a clockwise motion around your head, brow and crown chakras. You will know what you need to do when you start doing it. Trust your own instincts. If you have set the intention that you want to use the energy of your lapis to clear your mind, that’s what the energy will do. Moving it in a clockwise motion will just speed up the process.

You can enhance this process by using your breath to release anything you are consciously aware of. On your out breath intend to breathe the energy of quality you want to get rid of e.g. tension, anxiety, frustration, confusion … just pick one. The list is very long at the moment! And on the in breath draw in the quality you want to replace the negative energy with … peace, harmony, balance, love … again – the choice is yours. You know how you feel and what you need to feel better! Just use the words I AM breathing in/out………… as you breathe slowly and deeply.

OPENING YOUR THE MIND:  Aragonite helps with this and opening your mind at this time will be hugely useful at the moment. It will allow you to embrace new ways of thinking and behaving as your energy shifts and it will open you to one of the most powerful things on the planet…. new possibilities.

So – all you have to do is lie down and place aragonite (any colour you are drawn to) over your brow chakra for 20 minutes a day for as long as you are guided to use the stone.

You can, if you like, alternate with your lapis because the key words for lapis are self-knowledge. So use the aragonite one day to open your mind and lapis the next day with the intention of allowing you to become aware of new, fabulous aspects of yourself… they are there. They are either buried under negative thoughts or you have dimply forgotten. Perhaps it’s time for you to remember exactly how amazing you are!

MIND ON OVER-DRIVE….: If you have a tendency to over-react to situations, or you are finding that your emotions are getting out of hand with two eclipses heading our way – moonstone is the best stone to maintain emotional balance. It will also calm over emotional responses. So wear or carry it to keep yourself stable.

 TO CALM YOUR MIND: Just use that old favourite fluorite – the Chinese fluorite is particularly useful because it contains clear, green and purple. It does so many things that you could probably write a book about it, but in this context it will certainly open your mind to new possibilities, which is hugely important to your growth process. It is also a powerful grounding stone and it will stabilise everything. Its key words are: order from chaos. And I think everyone is well aware of how much chaos there is around them at the moment!! This stone will help you cope with at… at least a little.

It will also:

  • help releases suppressed emotions
  • help facilitate life changes
  • calm a chaotic mind and stimulate flexibility in your thinking process
  • help you talk about what you need more easily and confidently
  • cleanse and repair of the auric field
  • activate and energize all chakras

I hope all this information helps you in some way. It might only be one thing. It might be everything. You’ll know what is right for you.

Bright Blessings Gailx

