Crystal Layout to Strengthen your Energy System

As we have all gone through so many energy shifts lately, you will probably, at some point, find that you need to nurture each part of your Four Body System. This will help you adapt to the changes on all levels – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. It will also allow you to transition from one vibrational state to another more easily, not to mention adjust and re-calibrate to your new higher vibrational state.

One way to strengthen the whole of your energy system and, handily, release any blockages from your physical body as well, is to use the crystal grid shown below. Once a week is usually fine, but if you are guided to use it more often – feel free. After all, you are the only one who actually knows how you feel after a shift or an energy download!

All you need to do is set your intention before you use your crystals, place them around your body and then you are good to go. The amount of time you need to spend inside the grid will, of course, depend on how much work they have to do to get you back to your optimum frequency. It could vary, depending on your energetic state at the time you use the grid, so just sense when the job is done, thank the crystals and cleanse them so they are ready next time you want to use them.

So you will need clear quartz, rose quartz and amethyst – three of each.

And, with the rose quartz and amethyst on the heart – you’ll know which side to put the stones on – trust yourself! It may even change, from time to time. This is absolutely fine!

The layout:

Clear Quartz Positions:

  • One each side of the pelvis
  • One between the feet

Rose Quartz Positions:

  • One next to each shoulder
  • On one side of the heart chakra

Amethyst Positions:

  • Above head
  • Brow chakra
  • Heart chakra on the opposite side to the rose quartz.

I hope you have a nice relaxing time with your crystals!

Bright Blessings!


Angelic Light and How to Use It!

As lots of rubbish will be coming up after the eclipse, here is a way to use angelic light to fully clear your system and re-calibrate it, so you are good to go for the next stage of your growth process.

You can do this mediation straight through or you can split it up, depending on what you need. You can clear just the Four Body System or just the chakras or you can just use the statements at the end to resonate the chakras. The choice, as always, is yours. You are the one who knows how you feel and what you need to change that. But, this is a very user-friendly mediation!

If any of the words in the statements below do not fully resonate with you – change them! You need to use something that feels authentic to you, though if you can’t use them it is always worth asking the angelics to find why you can’t hold the energy of them in your system. It will give you information you can use to clear even more things.

Also, if you want to call in different angelics – feel free. At the end of the day, it really doesn’t matter as long as you have a group of them generating a HUGE amount of light to clear your system.

Using more than one is the best way to do this, but exactly who works with you… it’s your  choice all over again! No more than five, though, please, because you seriously don’t want to end up being completely overwhelmed by the light! There are times, unfortunately, when you do need to sensible about how much you download into your system at one time.

But, then again, if you are feeling fragile or vulnerable in any way and you still want to do the meditation… the gentle version will, of course, be just one angelic. Better to start small and work your way up to massive. You can just increase one at a time until you reach five.

So, on with the meditation…

  • Relax and focus on your breath and ground firmly.
  • Now ask Michael, Raziel, Gabriel, Chamuel, Haniel, and Raphael to join you. Thank them all for coming and be aware of their energy as they arrive in front of you.
  • Sit with your spine straight and ask the angels to combine their anglelic light and form a huge column connecting you to the angelic realms and the core of the earth.
  • See or sense this blindingly bright light running down from the angelic realms into your system through the crown chakra and continuing down the central channel to the base and on to the heart of mother.
  • Just sit in this energy and let it flow. It will automatically push any blockages in the central channel out of your system, taking them down into the earth to be transmuted. Also be aware that as you come into resonance with the combined frequency of these angelics, it will start to raise your vibrational rate, shifting it higher and higher to match theirs.
  • Now set the clear intention that you would like to use this powerful, high frequency light to clear your Four Body System and focus on your breath.
  • On the in breath, draw the angelic light down into the central channel and on the out breath intend that it flows outwards, going through the physical and etheric bodies, the emotional body, the mental body and the spiritual body, disrupting the frequency of any negative energy in all these places and clearing it.
  • Continue until you become aware this system has been cleared on the deepest of levels.
  • Now, if it feels appropriate, you can ask the angelics who are still gathered around you, if there is anything you need to know about how you are causing a build up of negativity in your subtle anatomy and what you can do to avoid it in the future. Or, you can move straight on to the next part of the meditation.
  • Now, change the intention for your breath so you can clear the chakra system. On the in breath, draw the angelic light down into the central channel and on the out breath intend that it flows out into every chakra – front and back – disrupting the frequency of any negative energy in each vortex and clearing them completely.
  • Continue until you become aware this system has been cleared on the deepest of levels.
  • As before, feel free to ask the angelics who are still gathered around you, if there is anything you need to know about how you are causing a build up of negativity in your chakra system and what you can do to avoid it in the future. Or, you can move straight on to the next part of the meditation.
  • Now, set the intention that you want to use your voice and your words to resonate each chakra as you work within it, allowing a new energy to settle inside the vortex. This will open you to many new possibilities. Keep repeating the words until you become aware that the chakra you are working on is vibrating with the energy. If you feel any resistance to the process, ask one of the angelics to help you shift out of this with ease and grace before you move on to the next one.
  • Take your awareness to your base chakra and repeat these words out loud: I AM safe and secure and I trust myself on all levels.
  • Take your awareness to your sacral chakra and repeat these words out loud: I accept who I am and what I am – on all levels. I AM truly worthy of love and respect.
  • Take your awareness to your solar plexus chakra and repeat these words out loud: I AM powerful. I always have been powerful and I fully accept this right now – on all levels. I claim my will and my personal power.
  • Take your awareness to your heart chakra and repeat these words out loud: Since there is nothing but love, I have no choice but to love and love returns to me exponentially. I AM love and I give and receive love freely and easily.
  • Take your awareness to your throat chakra and repeat these words out loud: I AM free to express my Authentic Self on all levels. It is safe for me to reveal my deepest thoughts and feelings at all times.
  • Take your awareness to your brow chakra and repeat these words out loud: I trust my intuition and all my inner senses and I AM always connected to them – on all levels.
  • Take your awareness to your crown chakra and repeat these words out loud: I AM
  • Now just sit in the energy of the words and let them continue to resonate through your entire chakra system, bringing the energy of change with them.
  • Now ask the angelics who are still with you to re-calibrate your Four Body system and your chakra system, so you start to vibrate at the most appropriate level for you at this time. Sit quietly while this happens.
  • Thank the angelics, ground very, very firmly again and return your awareness to the room.

hope you find this beneficial after the eclipse and remember you can use it at any time to clear rubbish out of your whole system.

Bright Blessings!




Crystal Tip for Dealing with Geomagnetic Storms

With a high-speed stream of solar wind hitting Earth’s magnetic field today, causing intermittent G1 class geomagnetic storms, you may well find you need to sort out your subtle bodies and your aura They don’t like this sort of energy at all. It is unsettling, to say the very least.

The quickest and easiest way to do this is to find a bit of labradorite!


  • hold your labradorite over your crown chakra, asking the crystal to align the physical and etheric bodies and sit quietly while the energy works.
  • hold your labradorite in your aura with the intention of using the energy of the crystal to clear all seven layers of the auric sheath. After that’s done, ask it to seal any leaks or tears that may have been caused by the storms to prevent energy leaks.
  • Sit with your crystal and infuse both the aura and the subtle bodies with its energy so it will form a shield and keep you nice and safe until that pesky solar wind has passed by.
  • When the shield is in place, ask your crystal to transfer its energy into your Four Body System to re-charge you if you have been depleted by the storms.

You can also use labradorite if you feel stressed and anxious while the solar wind is buffeting the upper atmosphere. Just sit with it and release the feelings with ease and grace on long, relaxed out breaths.

Lastly, if the storms have brought up any emotions for you to deal with and you feel a bit unbalanced, use your labradorite with rainbow moonstone. This will help enormously.

One piece of lore about this amazing stone comes from the Inuit people and I absolutely love it, considering it can be used to protect from the symptoms of a geomagnetic storm – they say it fell from the frozen fire of the Aurora Borealis. It is lovely because the Aurora Borealis is actually caused by the impact of the solar wind on the highest and lowest parts of the atmosphere! How great is that!

One other tip – when everything has settled down after the solar wind moves on, to expand your spiritual awareness and see if you need to do anything after the energy shift caused by the storms – put a piece of smoky quartz at your feet and hold a piece of labradorite in each hand and ask the stone to expand your consciousness. The smoky quartz will keep you nicely grounded and you can have an adventure with the high frequency energy coming from your labradorite.

Journey well with it!

Bright Blessings!



Releasing and Moving Forward with the New Moon

There are many ways to release old, stagnant energy when it is stuck in your system. The best thing is always to go with what works for you, not what works for someone else. So, all I can really do here if offer a technique that has always worked for me and many of my students. If you are not drawn to it, you certainly don’t have to do it!

Energy can be stuck anywhere in your system … in the chakras, the seven layers of the auric sheath, or the subtle bodies, collectively known as the Four Body System… at least in my little world. You can, of course, read lots of other descriptions of the energy bodies that surround the physical body, but I have found that, for me at least, going with four you can understand is sometimes a lot more useful that adding all the others which often have names you can’t easily relate to.

But, my way might not be your way and that is absolutely fine. You can still use the release process shown below, but just adapt it to the system that you have been taught. We are all on our way to the same destination – the only thing that ever varies is the winding path we all use to get there. It can be radically different for each person, but it just doesn’t matter… as long as we reach the destination. And, half the time it’s the actual journey that is the important thing anyway!

So, after the release that always comes with a full moon, we get the opportunity for a new beginning with the new moon, so why not make the most of it and intend to release anything that might be holding you back from embracing that new beginning?

First, you will need to decide what sort of new beginning you want …

  • new opportunities
  • new growth
  • new abundance
  • new insights
  • new visions
  • new ideas
  • new feelings
  • new emotions
  • new thoughts
  • new energetic frequencies
  • new helpers and guides

Obviously, there are lots of other things. This list is just to give you an idea of what you might want to choose. Pick the thing you are most drawn to and see if you can discover what is blocking you or holding you back around it. You may find out. You may not, but just asking the question will start energy moving in your system and then you can run with it.

So, what do you do? Basically, you adapt what you see below, making the statements deep and meaningful to you. If what I have written suits you, feel free to use it, but if it doesn’t fully resonate, please change it. To release your blockages, you really have to mean what you say otherwise the whole exercise is pretty pointless really. Nothing will get done. So make the words real for you… in every way. I have used the technique in workshops for many, many years and people have always found it powerful and it has moved them all on in profound ways.

  • Ground firmly and ask a helper or guide to support you while you work. Wait for them to join you, thank them for coming and take a moment to attune to their energy. If it feels appropriate, you can, of course, ask them if there is anything you need to know or be mindful of while you are working. They will be more than happy to help with this.
  • Now relax and focus on your breath and set the very clear intention that you want to release any energy associated with the thing you have chosen to work with. You can choose more than one thing, but you must go through the whole process for each thing. You cannot do lots of things at once. It will be overwhelming.
  • Now sit quietly and take your awareness to your base chakra. Then say the words you have decided to use out loud, with the intention of resonating the chakra to initiate the release process. Keep repeating the words until you feel the vortex is full of the vibration of the words. This is the energy that will clear the chakra, together with the clear intention you set at the beginning. When you feel you can stop repeating the words, just sit quietly and let the energy settle before you move on to the next chakra.
  • I forgive myself for resisting ……. and I release any energy associated with this from my base chakra and my physical body.
  • Sit quietly and take your awareness to your sacral chakra and repeat the process.
  • I forgive myself for resisting ……. and I release any energy associated with this from my sacral chakra and my emotional body
  • Sit quietly and take your awareness to your solar plexus chakra and repeat the process.
  • I forgive myself for resisting ……. and I release any energy associated with this from my solar plexus chakra and my mental body
  • Sit quietly and take your awareness to your heart chakra and repeat the process.
  • I forgive myself for resisting ……. and I release any energy associated with this from my heart chakra and my spiritual body.
  • Now ask your helper or guide to stabilise your Four Body System at the most appropriate frequency for you at this time. It will be in a state of flux after working and it will need to be re-calibrated at a new higher rate. They will be happy to do this for you. Sit quietly while they do.
  • Ground again, thank your helper or guide, and bring your awareness fully back to your physical body, sitting quietly for a few moments afterwards.

I hope you find the exercise as useful as everyone else I have taught it to. It can be used over and over again in many different ways. The only thing that limits you will be what you think you can do with it!

Bright Blessings!
