Be Calmed and Soothed by Aquamarine.

Aquamarine is one of the best crystals you can work with during this chaotic time because it emits the frequency of peace. So, as soon as the stone comes anywhere near you, you will automatically start to feel a lot better.  And when you work with it on a conscious level it will help you to shift into a completely different energetic space because its energy always stills your mind and reduces stress

This crystal’s vibration is calming, soothing, cleansing and working with it will help you to release anything you are ready and willing to clear out of either your Four Body System, or even your life, bringing harmony and balance after the cleansing process.

One of the best places to use it is on the solar plexus. You can just place it on the chakra and leave it there for as long as you need to, breathing the beautiful pale blue energy into the vortex and breathing out anything that is stuck inside it.

Or it is really simple to work with aquamarine during meditation and to feel fully supported by its calming energy while you let go of whatever is bothering you or holding you back.

The meditation is shown below:

  • Sit for a moment, focusing on your breath.
  • Now decide what you need to release from your life and how you want to do it and all you have to do then is create a safe place to work, using your aquamarine.
  • Place your aquamarine in your non-dominant hand and set the intention that, as you hold it, you come into resonance with the energy it is emitting. This means your vibrational rate will change and it will start to match the crystal’s vibrational rate; and you will soon feel the difference it makes to you because the frequency of peace will be flowing into your body through the palm chakra. To enhance this process, you can also intend to breathe the energy in through the palm charka, if you want to.
  • After a while when you feel calm and peaceful and completely soothed by the energy your aquamarine is sending into your body, gaze down your crystal and ask it to expand its energy field until it is large enough to surround you. Then sit quietly while this happens and after a short while you will find you are sitting in a quiet, safe place… a bubble of beautiful aquamarine energy and what you do in the safe, comfortable space it has created around you is now entirely up to you. You can do what ever work you are guided to do while it holds you and supports you.
  • When you have finished working, ask your aquamarine to pull its emery field back to its original size, so it just surrounds the stone you are holding. Sit quietly while this happens and, when you feel fully disconnected from the crystal, thank it for the help it has given you.
  • Ground and return your awareness to your surroundings.

Or, of course, you can expand the crystal’s energy field and just sit inside it and relax. That works too!!

But always make sure you ask the energy field to return to its original size and that you fully disconnect from the crystal.

Have fun what ever you decide to do.

Bright Blessings.


Putting Yourself Back Together with a Crystal Layout.

As we have had so many shifts lately, it is time now the energy is settling to make sure you put yourself back together.

I suggest the following crystal layout, which always helps.

This layout:

  • clears and focuses the mind
  • restores the body
  • allows you to come back to your centre
  • re-charges you on multiple levels

Cleanse your crystals, set a clear intention for what you want to achieve while you are co-creating the change in your mind and your body with your crystals. Then place your crystals.

  • Citrine on the brow
  • Fluorite in each palm

The instructions say leave the crystals in place for 11 minutes, but everyone is different so leave them in place for as long as you feel is the right amount of time for you.


  • if you feel particularly unsettled for any reason before you start place an additional citrine on your solar plexus. Or a piece of yellow fluorite if you have one.
  • If you feel ungrounded, place a pyrite between your feet. Or if you have two pieces, places one at each foot.

I am trusting this layout will be just what you need!

Bright Blessings!



Crystal Tip for the Lions Gate Portal

As the energy which comes through the portal on 8/8 is about embodying all you can be in this lifetime and manifesting it on the earthplane, pyrite is one of the best crystals to use in preparation for the download and the light codes embedded inside it.

Some keywords associated with pyrite are: personal power, will power, self-confidence and passion. Just carrying a piece will allow the energy of all these qualities to resonate within the whole of your Four Body System but meditating with them, using conscious intent , will enhance this process. It is particularly helpful if you want to improve your self-confidence and personal power.

Using Pyrite on the chakras – it helps the solar plexus and the sacral centres, unblocking them, activating them and bringing a sense of balance after you have used them. You feel empowered after using it on the solar plexus chakra and more contented and fulfilled after using it on the sacral chakra

Solar Plexus Chakra – personal power, will power and self-confidence. When used regularly here you will start to become pyrite will encourage you to take better care of yourself and as your attitude to yourself starts to change you will be unafraid to claim your personal power and your will power and use it in many exciting new ways.

If your energy levels have been low – using sunstone with pyrite on the solar plexus will help re-energise and re-vitalise you on all levels because both hold the elemental energy of fire. This is the element which the solar plexus chakra holds in your energy system, and it gifts you with illuminations, passion and the ability to act.

Sacral Chakra – to ignite your creative spark and your passion and when used regularly here you will start to become unafraid to express and experience a pleasure.

All you have to do to work with the energy of pyrite is ground and place the stone on the chakra of your choice, decide what you would like to do while you are co-creating a change with it and set the clear intention on the in breath to breathe the energy into the chakra and on the out breath to release what ever is blocking you. Then when you have finished – thank your pyrtite, ground and return your awareness to your surroundings

You can also use affirmations while meditating with pyrite. A few are listed below but if none of them resonate with you … make up one of your won. Using someone else’s words is never a substitute for using your own. They will hold more meaning and, more importantly, a lot more power!

  • I have the power and the ability to manifest anything in my life
  • I am pleased in every aspect of my life.
  • I am joyful just being myself
  • I am filled with creative energy
  • I create freely as I imagine

So if you get the chance, do use pyrite before 8/8 with the intention of clearing any blockages that will block the download and then you will be good to go when it happens on Monday!

Bright blessings.
